Bernie Sanders owns Donald Trump using Trump's own words against him

you are the one who is closed minded.

you think everyone should be treated equal which in an ideal world would be great. i personally have no problems with it. however, i doubt you plan on naming your kid "potsmoker". you wont do this because A) it's stupid and B) you know you will ruin your child's potential future.

calling us closed minded for being realistic and logical is on you. it simply shows your ignorance.

im 75%white 25%mexican/native american. i look 100% white though.

those are not african names. those are names used in a culture that exists with the intention of forcing tribalism. people give those names to their children as a way of marking them. just like the dad who named his child gravedigger. he marked his child because he is a fan of monster trucks.
oh so the name LaQuita Sheba Jackson is stupid in your it
oh so the name LaQuita Sheba Jackson is stupid in your it
yes and no.

i dont personally see an issue with the name. just like i dont personally see an issue with gravedigger. the stupidity is giving a child a name that will force segregation and limit their potential.
you are the one who is closed minded.

you think everyone should be treated equal which in an ideal world would be great. i personally have no problems with it. however, i doubt you plan on naming your kid "potsmoker". you wont do this because A) it's stupid and B) you know you will ruin your child's potential future.

calling us closed minded for being realistic and logical is on you. it simply shows your ignorance.

im 75%white 25%mexican/native american. i look 100% white though.

those are not african names. those are names used in a culture that exists with the intention of forcing tribalism. people give those names to their children as a way of marking them. just like the dad who named his child gravedigger. he marked his child because he is a fan of monster trucks.

"Us"? Are you speaking in third/fourth person or are you part of some sort of collective? A racist 'us and them' slip up, perhaps?

i look 100% white though.

I'm shocked.

those are not african names. those are names used in a culture that exists with the intention of forcing tribalism. people give those names to their children as a way of marking them. just like the dad who named his child gravedigger. he marked his child because he is a fan of monster trucks.

You've got some stuff to work through, it seems. It's a big, scary world once you leave the farm. Buckle up.

You'll do well here....this should be fun.
yes and no.

i dont personally see an issue with the name. just like i dont personally see an issue with gravedigger. the stupidity is giving a child a name that will force segregation and limit their potential.
the problem seems to be the people who can't accept ones name...due to stupidity or closed mindness, maybe some other fucked up shit
"Us"? Are you speaking in third/fourth person or are you part of some sort of collective? A racist 'us and them' slip up, perhaps?

i was replying to longdongfog. by us, i was using it in regards to myself and schuylaar, though without permission or even knowing her. just based on longdongfog's quotations of her statements.

You've got some stuff to work through, it seems. It's a big, scary world once you leave the farm. Buckle up.

You'll do well here....this should be fun.
as i edited into a previous post. i grew up in an all mexican neighborhood. but to add to it, i grew up in a "ghetto".
and you notice @schuylaar ran away from the convo, because she knows she was wrong

i cant say for her and dont know her well enough to speak for her.

what i can say, is that you pick and chose what im saying to make an argument against me. if you take the whole thing you will understand that it's not racist, its observational. my points arent wrong, they are facts of our world with a few opinions based on those facts thrown in.

i dont live in an imaginary world where tribalism doesn't exist. i live in the real world where everyone is marked by their class, name, color, education, and tribe. there are places in this country where having a Chicago Bulls logo on your key chain will be the difference between passing an interview or not.
agreed, however as a capitalist, i have the right to buy insurance. it's not forced out of my wages. if im 23 and working as an IT, why would i need insurance when saving to get out of mom's house is more important to me at that moment?
Funny how it's fine to do exactly that if it's an electrical grid, or roads or football stadiums or some other 'public good' that industry can get the taxpayer to cover instead?

I think your logic is backwards; healthy people are more productive. We need all the productivity we can get in this country.

The right has gone entirely too far and turned our nation's prosperity on its head.
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i cant say for her and dont know her well enough to speak for her.

what i can say, is that you pick and chose what im saying to make an argument against me. if you take the whole thing you will understand that it's not racist, its observational. my points arent wrong, they are facts of our world with a few opinions based on those facts thrown in.

i dont live in an imaginary world where tribalism doesn't exist. i live in the real world where everyone is marked by their class, name, color, education, and tribe. there are places in this country where having a Chicago Bulls logo on your key chain will be the difference between passing an interview or not.

On the one hand, you do seem to have most of your facts straight, and that's no small achievement anymore.

On the other hand, some of your conclusions are plainly biased and speak ill of you, doubly so as you claim that being of mixed heritage somehow gives you the right. Shit bro, even THAT is a biased attitude!

So what's an 'acceptable' name to you, anyway? And since when did you get to be the judge of it- nevermind provide cover for others to keep doing the same?

Own it. Judging people by their names is prejudice.

Excusing it by saying that 'everyone else does it' and 'that's the real world' just makes you sound like every other racist out there.
i cant say for her and dont know her well enough to speak for her.

what i can say, is that you pick and chose what im saying to make an argument against me. if you take the whole thing you will understand that it's not racist, its observational. my points arent wrong, they are facts of our world with a few opinions based on those facts thrown in.

i dont live in an imaginary world where tribalism doesn't exist. i live in the real world where everyone is marked by their class, name, color, education, and tribe. there are places in this country where having a Chicago Bulls logo on your key chain will be the difference between passing an interview or not.

i grew up in a "ghetto".

to be fair, in professional environments, ebonic names are FAAAR less likely to get employment over other names. at a nail salon it wouldn't be an issue, but in a law office it would be damn near impossible without a resume that far exceeds the other applicants. this is in part to a naturalized tribalism in professional environments. if i have 20 resumes on the desk, names are the first thing i will see. i dont care if lequisha diamonds is white or black, ill still hire a sarah danvers first if the applicants are equally qualified. however, if lequisha's resume is the most qualified, i will hire her/him.

a racist piece of shit sock puppet?

what a surprise. normally our sock puppets are so nice.
On the one hand, you do seem to have most of your facts straight, and that's no small achievement anymore.

On the other hand, some of your conclusions are plainly biased and speak ill of you, doubly so as you claim that being of mixed heritage somehow gives you the right. Shit bro, even THAT is a biased attitude!

So what's an 'acceptable' name to you, anyway? And since when did you get to be the judge of it- nevermind provide cover for others to keep doing the same?

Own it. Judging people by their names is prejudice.

Excusing it by saying that 'everyone else does it' and 'that's the real world' just makes you sound like every other racist out there.

Mixed heritage does not give me a right to anything. I was asked or someone assumed or something along those lines and I answered truthfully. And yes, I am biased as fuck. Find someone that isn't and I'll call them a liar.

Acceptable names are names that are not designed with the intention of generating attention bias or are simply out dated . I would be a horrible person if I named a white daughter Bertha, Shakira, Ethel, Mildred, Super Rainbow(yes, people do this shit to their kids), or anything like that.

That's is not what I'm implying. I am implying that it it true and denying it or stating that the names are ok is absurd. The nail that stands out gets hammered first. So why give your child a name that makes them stand out in a way that will potentially limit their future.

When you name your child, you should do it with love and their future in mind. Naming a child Pikachu because it is your favorite Pokémon or Laquisha because you need everyone to know her heritage before meeting her is ignorant and potentially crippling to the child's future.

If you think I'm targeting the black community, I'm not. It is simply where the conversation started. White trash names like Gravedigger have been used as well to prove my point.

This is supposed generalized statement made to prove that the name is the problem, not the person.

If you want to call me a racist, I'll agree. I hate spiders.

If you want to blame me for taking part in tribalism, I'll also agree. I don't like people who I perceive as stupid or fat. Wait, that is all colors of people. Am I more likely to go down on a black woman or a white woman? It honestly depends on the smell. I prefer South American though. All of this is forms of prejudice. So yes, I'm prejudice.

And yes, I don't like fat, stupid, or lazy people.

Now, I have to start work, so if you want to continue twisting my words and trolling, please feel free. But I probably won't be responding till tomorrow or late tonight.

this is generalized and not directed to you tty. You actually seem smart and either are the only one with acceptable reading comprehension skills or the others are just trolling the new guy. :bigjoint:

Now, I'm typing this on my phone so let's see if it comes out right.
Mixed heritage does not give me a right to anything. I was asked or someone assumed or something along those lines and I answered truthfully. And yes, I am biased as fuck. Find someone that isn't and I'll call them a liar.

Acceptable names are names that are not designed with the intention of generating attention bias or are simply out dated . I would be a horrible person if I named a white daughter Bertha, Shakira, Ethel, Mildred, Super Rainbow(yes, people do this shit to their kids), or anything like that.

That's is not what I'm implying. I am implying that it it true and denying it or stating that the names are ok is absurd. The nail that stands out gets hammered first. So why give your child a name that makes them stand out in a way that will potentially limit their future.

When you name your child, you should do it with love and their future in mind. Naming a child Pikachu because it is your favorite Pokémon or Laquisha because you need everyone to know her heritage before meeting her is ignorant and potentially crippling to the child's future.

If you think I'm targeting the black community, I'm not. It is simply where the conversation started. White trash names like Gravedigger have been used as well to prove my point.

This is supposed generalized statement made to prove that the name is the problem, not the person.

If you want to call me a racist, I'll agree. I hate spiders.

If you want to blame me for taking part in tribalism, I'll also agree. I don't like people who I perceive as stupid or fat. Wait, that is all colors of people. Am I more likely to go down on a black woman or a white woman? It honestly depends on the smell. I prefer South American though. All of this is forms of prejudice. So yes, I'm prejudice.

And yes, I don't like fat, stupid, or lazy people.

Now, I have to start work, so if you want to continue twisting my words and trolling, please feel free. But I probably won't be responding till tomorrow or late tonight.

this is generalized and not directed to you tty. You actually seem smart and either are the only one with acceptable reading comprehension skills or the others are just trolling the new guy. :bigjoint:

Now, I'm typing this on my phone so let's see if it comes out right.

To sum up:

agreed, however as a capitalist, i have the right to buy insurance. it's not forced out of my wages. if im 23 and working as an IT, why would i need insurance when saving to get out of mom's house is more important to me at that moment?

You don't need to buy human rights, dude.
I have a tough time understanding how water, food, healthcare are not essential human rights. I mean, you need each of them to survive as a human, how is it not a right? I'd even include basic shelter (housing) and a basic income as a right
There comes a point where someone who wants to game the system could take advantage of all these freebies and never contribute anything back.

Is the potential for malfeasance, malingering or simple sloth enough justification to deny it to EVERYONE?

Of course not!