back in the 70s or early 80s i read a book called snowblind,dont recall the was a tale of drug dealing/smuggling i recall really enjoying.anyone know the author?
same here but it's about 60/40. I need a little fiction in my life.I read a book a week, at least, but its all non-fiction.
It's actually out today DoeEyed "The Gathering Storm" by Robert Jordan and Brandon SandersonI have a few favorite authors, I'll read anything of theirs: Stephen King (Richard Bachman), Dean Koontz, Anne Rice, and Laurell K Hamilton. Favorite story has to be Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. I hear another author is going to finish the series, beginning this December - I'm stoked.
I like horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and romance - and anything within those catagories that can catch my attention from the dust jacket, gets to come home with me. I've got more books than I do bookshelves.![]()
wheel of time couldnt keep my attention, tried reading it like 2-3 timesI like the wheel of time, but it's too long. It's a shame he died too.
My favorite book of all time was the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - a trilogy in five parts. (So all of them)
Douglas Adems is the best, also ANYTHING by Richard Dawkins, Friedrich Nietzsche and Isaac Asimov. My favorite authors in Science, philosophy, Hilarity and Science fiction.
i thought i was one of the only people who had read the drizzt series. i liked every onealso R.A. Salvatore, mostly the Drizzt series
That surprises me, you come across as a very well read individual...Only read one book bak in the day.... In high school," flowers for algernon". It was ight... some slow cat takes this experiment and gets very smart.. And he makes friends wit a labrat...Later he drops the experiment And overtime he's bak to his old self.... And ends up happy... Sum chit like dat..
Have you ever read Recipes for Disaster? Similar, but I think it has more practical stuff...The anarchists cookbook.........Just kidding. Kinda.
No one readCarlos Castanada's Teachings of Don Juan ????
I love the Harry Potter series tooI may get some shit for this but fuck it.
The Harry Potter series
Ive read all the books 4 times, fuckin loved it, wish it was real...
For real.