Best damn Soul Food


Well-Known Member
In a large pot add water, 12 oz beer, 3 oz apple cider vinegar, salt. Get you some pork neck bones about 2 lbs. Bring it all to a rolling boil then cut down to med-low and cover. Simmer about 3 or 4 hours until the bones separate from the meat and cartilage. Get the bones out with a straining spoon I think I spotted a hunk of his spinal cord COOL!! Add your turnip greens and a white onion quartered to the meaty and soft cartilage broth. Cover and simmer some more until them greens is tender. Check on em and stir a bit here and there. Absolutely Glorious. Turn heat off , leave on the stove and you can reheat tomorrow adds to the flavor. Now for them ribs. Clean em up and soak in salty ice water for a few hours this pulls the blood out. Grab a beer, turn on the music and rip the bong. Now let's make the BBQ sauce for these ribs. Mustard, Ketchup, a bit of soy sauce, Coconut Rum, a bit of ginger juice pressed through a garlic press, chili garlic sauce, a bit of sriracha, a few drops of toasted sesame oil. Now mix that together real nice. Dump out the salt ice water. Put them ribs in a suitable container and marinate with lemon lime soda, sliced onion, garlic, ginger, soy sauce for the salt. Add a splash of your beer for good luck. Marinate over night. Next day add hickory chips to water, rip the bong before the beer run. Grill them ribs indirectly over charcoal so they don't char. The last 5 minutes of cooking baste with the sauce and throw moist chips on coals. The smoke get's into ya sauce ya see. The old lady better have sliced them taters and boiled them with beer, butter, garlic salt, black pepper and a bit of water since i'm doing all this other shit. Yep a two day event. But that's how we do it.
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In a large pot add water, 12 oz beer, 3 oz apple cider vinegar, salt. Get you some pork neck bones about 2 lbs. Bring it all to a rolling boil then cut down to med-low and cover. Simmer about 3 or 4 hours until the bones separate from the meat and cartilage. Get the bones out with a straining spoon I think I spotted a hunk of his spinal cord COOL!! Add your turnip greens and a white onion quartered to the meaty and soft cartilage broth. Cover and simmer some more until them greens is tender. Check on em and stir a bit here and there. Absolutely Glorious. Turn heat off , leave on the stove and you can reheat tomorrow adds to the flavor. Now for them ribs. Clean em up and soak in salty ice water for a few hours this pulls the blood out. Grab a beer, turn on the music and rip the bong. Now let's make the BBQ sauce for these ribs. Mustard, Ketchup, a bit of soy sauce, Coconut Rum, a bit of ginger juice pressed through a garlic press, chili garlic sauce, a bit of sriracha, a few drops of toasted sesame oil. Now mix that together real nice. Dump out the salt ice water. Put them ribs in a suitable container and marinate with lemon lime soda, sliced onion, garlic, ginger, soy sauce for the salt. Add a splash of your beer for good luck. Marinate over night. Next day add hickory chips to water, rip the bong before the beer run. Grill them ribs indirectly over charcoal so they don't char. The last 5 minutes of cooking baste with the sauce and throw moist chips on coals. The smoke get's into ya sauce ya see. The old lady better have sliced them taters and boiled them with beer, butter, garlic salt, black pepper and a bit of water since i'm doing all this other shit. Yep a two day event. But that's how we do it.
Good stuff my man. I make green with ham hocks regularly, just like my mom made.