Best Full Melt In Denver..???

Well, the BEST is underground and not available in dispensaries..hehe.

The Pink House is the only one I can think of.

Or if he can find a spot that carries the Essential Extract line.
73µ has been the one and only that has been full melt, and even them it's strain dependent.

The best hash is being shared between the growers in Colorado.
Fuck dispensaries....

Then again, I haven't been in a dispensary since last year... So, I'm kinda out of the loop.
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The words 'strain dependent' and melt shouldn't be put together in my opinion. Honestly it sounds like a cop out for not being able to produce purity. However I will say that Pink House is also what I was recommended while in Denver, and the EE stuff was the best I had while in Denver at the cup. I was always under the impression that resin is oil based. If it's pure it will melt. Period.

I've never had a pure sift 'not' melt.. lol. Maybe i've not dealt with these strains living in Nor.Cal.. maybe i'm lucky? I dunno.
hell I would too...cant be mad at that
im all for the underground lol
I cant wait to go down there and meet some people
ill tell him to keep his eyes peeled for the essential extracts
thanks guys
I agree brother, it IS a cop-out.

They tend to mix multiple strains for certain dispensaries that don't have enough trim of a single strain to process, so they end up mixing 2,3 even 4 different strains.

Again, it's all about the mighty dollar.

It may be wise to do a little ” review research” on Weed Maps or Leafly or similar venue where you can read reviews.
Don't listen to the dispensary haters. They live in the Peublo area where all the weed sucks. lol.

Already said but EE has some nice fullmelt. You can find their stuff all over Co. I follow Nikka T on FB to see when the fyah drops are where it's going.

River rock also has some amazing fullmelt, and so does CAM.
Yo, Saw this on FB, from Nikka T about an hour ago...

just dropped a super Fyah drop at Kind pain management yesterday... Herbal cure and Pinkhouse have that Fyah as well as the farm, root organic, denver relief, Helping hands, trill, mikes bmmd, plus many more!!!
We all live in Pueblo? That's good to know I suppose. All this time I thought I was in Northern California.. must be the awesome herb..
Were you hating on Denver dispensaries? Doesn't look like it so how does that apply to you?

Resin glands are oil based but they still have that waxy shell. It really depends on the starting material and how it was grown. But unless you are using a solvent, even the most fire full melt leaves behind residue.

And if you are arguing that the micron size is not strain dependent I think you need to do some more research, you are embarrassing norcal sir, lol. Which reminds me, I gotta get out there and try some of that Matt Rize fire, but Jibbs and Nikka T seem to have me covered, lol.
You are so all over the place, it's pretty funny. You don't even seem to understand what we are talking about as far as the Denver haters, but let's forget that for a min...

I never said anything about purity, I'm talking about the melt. Almost any solvent extract will full melt, regardless of the actual purity of the extract, this is because you've dissolved the wax tric shells and all the other solubles in the plant. Any garb ass homemade wax will fullmelt, has nothing to do with purity.

NOW, when it comes to what we are actually talking about, solventless extracts, there is no way for you to mechanically separate the oil within the tric heads from the wax that encapsulates it. IDGAF how much norcal rep you have, it leaves some residue, about 5-10%.
PS> I don't blast my own shit at all, I'm actually getting away from solvent extracts, the shit I do dab is the Denver lab made, not all that cali outdoor garb blasted wax.

I've actually been thinking bout hitting you up for a dry sieve kit, but yea, forgot what a dick you are, lol. I'll get me a bubblebox instead.
It's like trying to talk to a 12yo that just wants to argue. You are the one that starting comparing shit to solvent stuff, talking about purity, and putting words in my mouth...

All I was trying to say is that with solventless extracts, there is no way to not have a tiny bit of tric shells left over on your screen or whatever. I was dabbing some fresh dropped EE fire and some RR OG shit this morning both on Ti screens and an enail, it bubbles and domes and melts almost completely away, but there is always a tiny bit of dust left over.

Who exactly are you talking about btw? Banning you and stealing your tek? Do you mean Bubbleman? I actually don't like his water hash, but that dry box they make is pretty nice. Plus they don't run around forums claiming they invented the technique, afaik, lol.
Resin glands are not technically oil based but oils are produced inside the resin glands, I think there is a difference or am I loosing something in translation???
Quality is not only dependent on cleanliness, far from it! Terpenoids and flavonoids preservation is on the other hand.
It is not the tinny bit of dust left over that is of consequence but the quality of the smoke inhaled.
MnH I thought we talked about your "problem" let it go and be a Hashishin instead of fighting over a trick. Trust me the Afghani and Moroccan sieving techniques have thousands of year of evolution toward perfecting their trade, they invented the game remember.
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I still really, really want to gtg and see a couple diff. ways of getting the high quality sift.. in all my years in N.Cal nobody has ever brought it up or showed me anything even close.. what you had on you that you showed me was incredible though. I wanna see more of that!
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lol, wow dude. I never said anything about being a hash maker or knowing better, and don't ever remember calling you a liar, I remember asking you about your screens and you trying to sell me shit, oh and I remember taking a guess that your thread was deleted because you were doing just that.

I only brought up solvents initially to point out that without one, the tric shells are not dissolved or whatever, and therefor they will not completely burn away in any solvent-less extract. I am perfectly clear on the point of this thread and I feel gave some great advise on how and where to connoisseur level full-melt in Denver. If you wanna troll and talk about how great nor cal and your dry sieve is, feel free to do so.

FC: I actually prefer solventless and was not complaining about the residue. I'm just calling this dude out about his lack of understanding of a trichrome head. Which now apparently he is telling us his dry sieve is 99% pure thc, I assume that's what he means? Just goes to prove my point that he doesn't understand. Unless maybe the pesticides all over that cali outdoor are disolving his shells, lol.
You said 5-10% would be residue. Does that mean SamSkunkman is lying too? Or anyone claiming they have a higher than 90% sift is lying?

The thread was deleted for the same reason it's been deleted other places as well.. there are a few out there who do not want this method known about. You can thank capitalism for that one lol.