Flood and drain DIY
Parts list:
(2) 27x20x6 mixing trays from Home Depot or Lowes @ $5.98 ea.
(2) 185 GPH submersible pumps @ $14 ea @ hydro store or online
(2) 1/2" fill /3/4" drain Bulkheads Approx $15 for everything from hydro store or online
8' of 3/4" black tubing @ .49 per ft from hydro store
8' of 1/2" black tubing @ .31 per ft from hydro store
27 gallon tote (with lid) for reservoir @ $7.79 from Home Depot
(2) large airstones @ $2.39 from Walmart
25' of 1/4" tubing @ $2.29 from Walmart
(1) dual diaphram air pump @ $9 from Walmart
(?) However many netpots you plan to use or how many plants you will be doing.
(1) bag of hydroton medium @ $24 for 50L bag from hydro store which is good for many grows.
Build a makeshift table big enough to support both mixing trays.
You can build a wooden frame for the table then lay plywood or whatever works for making a table for the trays that the 27 gal res can sit underneath.
You can even build the table from milk crates and a sheet of 5/8" plywood. Whatever you need to do to make it work....this is DIY.
This is how mine is going to be to give you an idea of how it will be set up with 10 plants (5) 6" net pots in each tray)
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Here is a video to help you understand how to set up your flood & drain table.
sorry, wrong thread,,, its this one with pix of the pvc grow
They carry a larger mixing tray, but its only about 25% bigger than the ones I got and about 2-3" deeper which would do you no good.This looks too easy lol, can you get a 4x4 mixing tray? would I be better off using 4 1x2 trays? I see alot of effort went into making this guide!cheers
yikes....70 gal. Big flood tables require even bigger reservoirs loli bought a 4'x6' f n d table,, pretty expensive and takes 70 gallons to flood.. so i bought 4inch pvc pipes, each 1 cut to fit my space, uses half the water to fill n works great as a f n d set up cheap.. so buy some 4inch pvc, cut holes in top to fit 3inch net pots,,, see my set up on page 1 of my thred,,easy to build,...
yikes....70 gal. Big flood tables require even bigger reservoirs lol
Can anyone link me to a good DIY ebb n flow system? Need something for a 4x4, can't find much on google. Everyone has different setups
It only takes me about 9 gallons to flood my tables I just built. Im using a 27 gal res but will only have about 20 in it.How deep are you flooding? 40gal rez and a 4x4 tray will run you around $250 and cheaper if you can find one used.
I have under $70 in this entire build since I had plywood/building supplies/27 gal reservoir & res drain kit already.
I would say with certainty that this could be built from scratch without having any of the supplies for $100 or less.
It only takes me about 9 gallons to flood my tables I just built. Im using a 27 gal res but will only have about 20 in it.
I literally just finished building it about 30 min ago. Just gotta run the plumbing and its ready for my next run. I'd say I flood it about 3.5-4" in a 6" tray.
The trays I used are 7 gal & I use about 4.5 gal in each tray.
I added a home made reservoir drain kit for easy draining when its time also.
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Definelty copying your setup, my only issue is the tray/res size
There's no way I can fit a 4x4 tray in a 4x4 tent, maybe 3.9x3.9? I'll need to do some customising + I searched something earlier, someone managed to fit 47 small plants into their ebb n flow system in a 4x4. Would that be detrimental to yield? And is it even possible??
The setup I built is 44"x34" outside diameter and will fit perfect in a 4x4 tent. Its 24" off the ground so plenty of headroom in a 7' tall tent. If needed, you could always scale it down 2" on width and length since I actually built the table bigger than i really needed for the flood trays.Definelty copying your setup, my only issue is the tray/res size
There's no way I can fit a 4x4 tray in a 4x4 tent, maybe 3.9x3.9? I'll need to do some customising + I searched something earlier, someone managed to fit 47 small plants into their ebb n flow system in a 4x4. Would that be detrimental to yield? And is it even possible??
Definelty copying your setup, my only issue is the tray/res size
There's no way I can fit a 4x4 tray in a 4x4 tent, maybe 3.9x3.9? I'll need to do some customising + I searched something earlier, someone managed to fit 47 small plants into their ebb n flow system in a 4x4. Would that be detrimental to yield? And is it even possible??
maybe you can check our this model . http://www.ecosunlite.com/e_productshow/?55-ESL-CREE-CX-COB-LED-4-55.html