Best Low Temp Hot Plate?..What do you use?

I dont put my probe right in the oil... I set the probe UNDER the parchment paper.

I find this gives a way more accurate number than shooting a temp gun at the OUTSIDE of the chamber and guessing from there.

you want the temp of the base of the chamber/temp of the oil. NOT the temp of the griddle/outside of chamber.

my temp gun and probe always gives off a few degrees different (3-5 degrees)... I trust the probes numbers more though as its directly touching the oil (kinda) and the gun is just shooting somewhere randomly, and then were assuming the oil is the same temp... assuming isnt cool.
smells amazing

thats not a good thing. when you open the chamber and it smells like heaven, that could have been extra flavor in your oil, but instead, its all in the air and all you got was 2 good sniffs. im not too sure how you stop it.... I open my chamber real quick and throw the lid back on super quick so none of the scent escapes.... I doubt that does a damn thing though.
mmm i dunno what ur sayin dude sorry, do you mean terps are boiling off? cus that imo even though this is my first run, is normal. i dont think it smelling good is a bad thing... i de-waxed it and it still smells great. terps will boil off when heat and low pressure are exposed to the oil. Thats inevitable imo, you can save terps by calculating time and temp, but then are u sacrificing quality?... gotta find that line in between.
for some reason I assumed you meant the vac chamber smelled amazing.

terps boiling off is def normal, but you want to try to keep it to a minimum. the only way I know how is to purge quick, thin, and at a low temp. anything else is killing your flavor, to the point where it becomes tastless wax. the drier it is, the shittier it tastes, simple!
looks awesome gb! How much i that? I usually run to get about 4-5gs and i always vac like less than 10 hours sometimes even just 2 or 3 - i wonder if im not vaccing enough cuz everyone else is always 24-72
Thanks goalie, i think it was about...12gs i could be mistaken though due to the sheer number of runs ive been doing lately. Definitely vac longer. This took about 35-48
its crossed my mind to use a ceramic tile to do just that...could never find the exact one with the right texture and bottom surface tho. ill look into the cooking ceramic tho.