Best LSD experience?


Well-Known Member
not even best done it once 375 ug for my first time said fuck it what could go wrong EVERYTHING!!!


Well-Known Member
This one time I spent 5 hours in the shower on 360-400 micrograms of Orange Sunshine.
Was staring up at the corner of the roof and wall, looking into fractalized infinity.

Remember turning the lights on and off a few times while in the whole duration of the 5 hour shower. Noticing fractals everywhere.
I was very emotional and crying for the person I was thinking of at the time while in the shower. I don't exactly know why I was so emotional but I felt both scared, compassionate, and apologetic towards Him.

I was drawn to the shower just like any person would be.
I just remember massive pain or discomfort in My sacrum. And anxiety as well from all the "entheogenic sacramental" focus / vibes.
I usually get anxious [at first] when I take entheogenic or above entheogenic doses.
The shower and hot water really helped relieve My physical and mental discomfort symptoms of high doses of Orange Sunshine.

I also remember getting out of the shower [several times] thinking... "Fuck, I need to get back in. Hopefully by the end of this one I won't feel so tense."... And this happened at least 4 times. By the last one I thought I was going to have to lay down for hours with a head full of acid because My back was so sore and cramped up from the ALD-52. The last time I got out of the shower I thought, "Damn... Do I need to stay in there longer?... Because this pain / discomfort will not go away..." I rolled a jay. Smoked some weed. Thinking it would help.
It did... But not like I'd hoped.

It felt like a line from the back on my skull all the way down My shoulder blades into My lower back was getting tugged.
Super, tense, erector pain from the acid!!! ALD-52 is like LSD-25. It just has some side effects...
The pain and discomfort went away once the substance completely wore off by the next day.

I was just extremely exhausted, tired, and wiped out from how much energy the experience exuded.
And all I did was take a lengthy shower.