Best organic pest control that leaves no taste and smell on buds?


Well-Known Member
So far i've seen the majority of growers are flushing even with organic nutrients, it seems like a better idea than not flushing.


Well-Known Member
Btw just some extra info while i'm here, the bad weed in my area i was talking about was surely grown with PGR (plant growth regulators,) besides being unflushed from synthetic fertilizers and nutrients.
Found this article and all the symptoms point to the same weed i was smoking
These people who grow such weed deserve very bad things that i will not get into details here.. I would go Liam Neeson on them


Well-Known Member
Hi, i'm looking for the best organic pest control that leaves no taste or smell on buds, and it's safe to smoke. Something that could be used in any stage of the growth. Specifically against all types of fungus, mold, mildew etc. but also for other pests such as spider mites. Any recommendations please?

Soon i'll be starting my first grow and i want to prepare upfront to prevent any pests on my plants, especially mold because i'm allergic to mold and i have problems with my lungs. Of course i will be controlling the temps and humidity, but i would like to have that extra security.

So far i thought about Neem oil, but i read many comments about Neem leaving a terrible taste and smell, and that it shouldn't be used in the flowering stage.
Ladybugs are not an option as i can't have bugs flying in my house :)

I found this BioBizz Leaf Coat but i can't seem to find any reviews on it: any experience with this product?

What do you personally use, how do you prevent pests in a completely 100% organic way, without altering the taste/smell of the finished product and making it safe to smoke?
This summer's backyard grow got hit hard by fungus knats and their larvae in the soil along with the always present spider mites. I used a 2 attack approach. One was while still in veg, every 5 days for 3 weeks I did this: spray neem oil in morning 5 days later spray tomato leaf water 5 days later do a neem oil solution for a soil drench of top 5 inches or so of soil to kill FK larvae. Repeat same steps again in 5 days. The neem soil drench will kill fungus knats larvae. The tomato leaf spray is (only if you have access to fresh tomatoe leaves) is basically, 2 cups diced fresh tomato leaves in 2 cups of water in a jar of Luke warm water. Leave for 24 hours. Drain through a filter, dilute wi 2 more cups of water, spray plants underside and all over in morning before lights on. The tomato leaf spray is very effective at killing bugs dead quickly. Reason is that the tomato leaves leach out an alkaloid that will kill small plant bugs on contact, And is 100% organic. It Works.


Well-Known Member
No I haven't used it but one time and decided spraying the floor was a better option
I spray it on the floor too! I also spray the screens and landscape fabric That cover the roll up sides and ends of my hoop house. It helps there quite a bit. The bugs stay away from it and it helps to trap hemp pollen that could find its way into my plants.I also use it out there early in the season on the plants. After all the other (not neem) sprays that are done before flowering, there's no smell left from the neem. And I definitely have no taste issues from it by the time flowering is done.
I also use neem cake in my soil. The beneficial bugs don't mind it and the bad bugs stay away.