Best outdoor strains that are mold resistant

Seedsman White Widow is a great strain. I grew it last year in my tent as it was a freebie they threw in with one of my order. Been using it lately for my daily walks with my dog, as it makes music amazing. Tempted to grow in my next grow but I have so many strains I still need to try once. It’s a fun and frustrating hobby at times, just wish I had more room
Just got more Kali Mist seeds in the mail today! Serious Seeds are always the biggest, tastiest looking seeds in an order...just great quality standards. The Serious seeds are all twice the size of the freebies I got.

Im itching to grow these again indoors. I’m tempted to try outdoors but at 55’ north I’m gonna need to force flower them?
I’m here all day for this thread. I heard Cindy 99 was supposed to be really mold and mildew resistant out here in Maine. And I’m gonna be honest she really was. But it’s absolutely the worst plant I have ever had to trim up. Looking forward to other peoples suggestions I also run white widow every year and she is pretty mold and mildew resistant because of the way she grows. Any sativa dominant has been pretty good other than time to flower. I did run Tahoe OG here last year and I lost 30% of my harvester bud rot. Big chunky thick buds I just couldn’t get enough airflow into them. Sad. Wouldn’t run it again.
I have also read some great outdoor reports on peaks more than a few...
I grew 4 strains outdoors last year and the Chinook Haze had virtually zero bud rot. And I didn't harvest until the week before Halloween--there were some wet and cold spells in October too. Not sure where you can get that now--mine was from Greenpoint and they're out. But someone might have it.

As far as preventing botrytis and pm, I think your first and best line of defence is a healthy and vigorous plant. Foliar application of potassium silicate can help during veg. but root drench only during flower. Also aloe vera either foliar or root
Air circulation and making sure the plants can dry out also key.

I wouldn't spray bt until flower. I checked the plants daily then and waited until I saw my first cat. I only ever saw a few early on, once I started spraying weekly they disappeared.

Cat poop will definitely cause rot. But botrytis can happen without cats too.

Last year was my first and I spaced my plants 6 feet apart. This year it will be more like 10--better if the plants aren't touching so breeze can dry them off.

Good luck.
Forty five degrees N, west coast USA. It’s rough here, I have a few I’m trying this year from seed because indoor hunts have been pointless for outdoor selection. I’m in a covered structure so no rain, but open on all sides. Still a challenge every year but at least I have amazing organic soil built from all the years of trying. I’ve tried outdoor for many years and it all comes down to Mother Nature. If I need smoke I’ll grow headies indoor, but I’ll see what I can do out there every year until I get smarter.
Forty five degrees N, west coast USA. It’s rough here, I have a few I’m trying this year from seed because indoor hunts have been pointless for outdoor selection. I’m in a covered structure so no rain, but open on all sides. Still a challenge every year but at least I have amazing organic soil built from all the years of trying. I’ve tried outdoor for many years and it all comes down to Mother Nature. If I need smoke I’ll grow headies indoor, but I’ll see what I can do out there every year until I get smarter.
The rain is what I have to fight every year. The last couple of years have just been way too wet to get a good harvest without a lot of bud rot. That's why I've been looking up strains with shorter flowers times and more mold resistance. if that doesn't do it I don't think I wil even waste time with outdoor growing. it's just too heartbreaking to see everything ruined by a wet fall lol
If you are new to outdoor growing, you need cultivars that are relatively short flowering and known to be mold resistant. People recommending these long flowering sativas here don't know what they are talking about. One thing the Dutch have done well is produce good mold resistant outdoor plants for Northern climates. Biddy Early is another good plant that performs well in the Northern states, great mold resistance. Nothing is worse than losing a crop to budrot.
If you are new to outdoor growing, you need cultivars that are relatively short flowering and known to be mold resistant. People recommending these long flowering sativas here don't know what they are talking about. One thing the Dutch have done well is produce good mold resistant outdoor plants for Northern climates. Biddy Early is another good plant that performs well in the Northern states, great mold resistance. Nothing is worse than losing a crop to budrot.
yeah I think you're right about the Dutch strains. I got Frisian Dew and The Church which are supposed to hold up really well to moisture. I also got amnesia fast, White Widow, Gelato.OG, Blue Dream, and critical purple kush. All from Seedsman and supposedly shorter flowering times. so hopefully after some experimenting I can figure out what grows well here.
Ive grown those dutch strains and they hold up pretty well..the final product isnt good enough. Average @ best. I wouldn't put any stock into lists of strains that are " mold" resistant you come across.

My advice is find a low to medium yielding strain that finishes in less than 10 weeks that is top shelf product.. She will yield pretty decent outdoors and the smaller buds and node spacing allow the buds to dry off after the morning dew. The big colas are like a sponge and you are better off having smaller nugs than can dry.
Ive grown those dutch strains and they hold up pretty well..the final product isnt good enough. Average @ best. I wouldn't put any stock into lists of strains that are " mold" resistant you come across.

My advice is find a low to medium yielding strain that finishes in less than 10 weeks that is top shelf product.. She will yield pretty decent outdoors and the smaller buds and node spacing allow the buds to dry off after the morning dew. The big colas are like a sponge and you are better off having smaller nugs than can dry.
Yeah. Less than 10 weeks is what I tried to get. that makes sense about the Dutch strains being average though I figured it sacrificed a little bit of potency/quality
There used to be a site called unleash the green and there were beers on there that specifically bred strains for early outdoor and there was a few specific strains that actually had some pretty damn good potency the best from that side I ever saw was gorilla gold number two it was done by mid August at the latest at the earliest late July it didn't have the most incredible taste it was kind of accurate and spicy nothing special but the potency was pretty damn amazing I wish I had a couple of 10 packs of that street to breed a killer and make a really nice early cross
I would love to get my hands on some fire OG BX two seeds because that strain has raw potency and it breeds well to any strain for outdoors
So last year I had a grow of around 20 plants that ended up getting a lot of bud rot. Disappointingly I could only salvage about 50% mostly due to a pretty wet fall. I was wondering what some good strains are that can handle moisture a little better and some unpredictability of weather. I grew Afghan Kush last year and heard it doesn't handle moisture very well.

I was reading that White Widow and Critical Kush do pretty well outdoors. I'd like to do a mixture of about 5 varieties this year. Any advice and recommendations are appreciated.
I grew both WW and Critical last season outdoors. I live up north on Lake Michigan and we have very humid summer/fall seasons. The WW grew about 7 feet and the Critical grew almost 10 feet. They were both very hardy with high yields. After harvest and curing, the WW was about 14-15% and the Critical was 18%-19% THC with a test kit. I was very happy with the results. This year I am trying Girl Scout Cookies in the mix.
Glad to hear that because thats what I ordered. From Seedsman as well. Hopefully it doesn't take super long for them get hear because the only major concern I've read about ordering from Seedsman is delivery time.
Forty five degrees N, west coast USA. It’s rough here, I have a few I’m trying this year from seed because indoor hunts have been pointless for outdoor selection. I’m in a covered structure so no rain, but open on all sides. Still a challenge every year but at least I have amazing organic soil built from all the years of trying. I’ve tried outdoor for many years and it all comes down to Mother Nature. If I need smoke I’ll grow headies indoor, but I’ll see what I can do out there every year until I get smarter.
I'm 45 degrees North on Lake Michigan and we have a short season with high humidity close to the lake. I grew White Widow and Critical with seeds from MSNL. I had no rot. I had to harvest in late September because of the cold weather so it did not go as long as I wanted, but I still got large yields and buds. The WW was 7 feet and the Critical was massive at 10 feet. This year I am starting them indoors (they are just sprouting now) and adding Girls Scout Cookies to the mix. Now I'll be able to grow them for 5 months before harvest and should get more mature buds.
I'm 45 degrees North on Lake Michigan and we have a short season with high humidity close to the lake. I grew White Widow and Critical with seeds from MSNL. I had no rot. I had to harvest in late September because of the cold weather so it did not go as long as I wanted, but I still got large yields and buds. The WW was 7 feet and the Critical was massive at 10 feet. This year I am starting them indoors (they are just sprouting now) and adding Girls Scout Cookies to the mix. Now I'll be able to grow them for 5 months before harvest and should get more mature buds.

Late September had to be 3 weeks early at the least, I couldn't sell that premature garbage.