Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

If your trying to think your "better" than me at cultivation practices or "know" more than me you will find that you are barking up the wrong tree.. Maybe because you have been on this forum longer than I have and people think you know what your doing or that you are some sort of boss hog in the here to tell you otherwise.. I'm not here to point fingers and tell people they are wrong I'm constantly learning and listening while you seem to be trying to belittle me when that's not gonna go over well for you..

I give respect when it's reciprocated.. Trying to come in an tell me I'm an idiot for flushing is pretty petty.. Image read through your posts and responses to questions and you aren't the brightest tool in the box and you don't know everything .. Earlier I quoted a few things you said that have most advanced growers such as myself pondering why people think your "the man".. Because I'm not impressed
You, sir, are very confused.

You use carbs.... to replenish weight? As if your plants go on a diet and start losing weight.... We aren't growing wagyu beef here... The only part of the grow where it loses weight is when you cut stuff off or the leaves fall off.

Plants won't even eat the carbs you give them. The only thing it will do is throw off the osmotic balance of the medium and wick water from the roots. Plants produce all their own carbs from the air and light. No amount of feeding the roots carbs will speed this up. The xylem isn't capable of transporting sugars..

Also plants are like the human body.. Have u ever not eaten and just drank water for a few days what does your body do? It reduces and burns unwanted fats and toxins.. That's why I don't just do water I use carbohydrates to replenish the diminished weight from reducing chemical ferts and maintain a healthy root zone and keep the bulking through the last few days of bloom..
I find it funny that you are trying to tell people that canna isn't good nutrients that fuckin laughable.. For such a master such as yourself I'm surprised you don't have the money to pay for quality nutrients you preach for people to spend pennies on walmart and Home Depot brand nutrients which is hilarious.. If those worked and were so good why doesn't anyone carry them? Why do companies like canna and advanced charge on average 800-12000 per 4 light runs if I can get same results using peters or jacks for 150.. They would be out of business.. The matter of fact is whnpen buying nutrients you should want to run the best high quality nutrients that are designed specifically for growing cannabis.. Not shit for your lawn.. Maybe you've been trained wrong or your just stuck in the 80s.. Or I'm betting your from some hick town in the mid west in middle of nowhere and you think your best thing since slice bread.. I beg to differ.. You tell people they don't need co2.. One person you told that black strap molasses is pointless and does nothing for you.. Another you told said you are too lazy to make teas and you don't need them and that you can run chlorinated water on an organic grow ? And I am the one who was trained wrong,, haha okay buddy mic check your running out of jokes.
Bro your a real moron carbohydrates serve many benefits in growing crop especially during last few weeks of bloom you idiot.. Carbs feed the microbial life in your root zone.. Carbs also are sugars which your plant during critical periods of flowering like ripening to give them a metabolic boost you are a confused individual if you think that carbs affect your plant negatively maybe you been reading he same book UB tells people to read from 40 years ago.. This is all backed by science you are very WRONG!! Very wrong!! Carbs are critical in flowering phases especially at end of bloom when your plants need an increase in metabolism..midi WTD you think you are talking about but you are confused or just plain stupid I think a combination of both but that's fine..

Understanding plant needs at the end of bloom you need to know what the plants are trying to do.. At end of blooms plant is producing all of its energy into the buds to pollinate in a last ditch effort to "save itself" so increasing carbs and amino acids gives the plants which are now starving from chlorophyll loss aka yellowing of leaves the added nutritional value that these sugars give the plants to increase metabolism and provide the swelling of the once again you are wrong! Stop it ..
Miracle grow works just fine for a lime or bonemeal fortified potting mix or soil.

It's not so fine for DWC.

PK_Boosted, you're coming in here and telling a bunch of experienced gardeners that the products they've been using for decades can't produce and you wonder why they're arguing with you. Make a no sense.

You said that GH flora 3 part is not a complete nutrient line and that it lacks micro nutrients, which is false. It contains all the essential micro nutrients. The more you talk, the more credibility you lose and the more you embarrass yourself.
I have upped my Nitrogen in my feeds and my plants are looking a lot better and I am not losing any more leaves. I believe that I need to buy 'Tiger Bloom' - one of Fox Farm's lineup. If you buy into a brand, they make you need and depend on their lineup of products because every one of their individual products is incomplete. I remember when I tried using the Alaskan fish emulsion product. My plants were looking sicker and sicker and I didn't know why. Well I bought the fish emulsion from a shelf that did not have their mineral part next to it. I did not one existed until a year later when I saw it on a shelf. I knew immediately that was the problem, I was not using both of their products and as a consequence my plants failed.
When I asked the question about what I should use for bloom I wanted a complete product with out all the mixtures and different prouducts. I see that 'Tiger Bloom' had more nitrogen in it than 'Big Bloom' and thus I had a lack of nitrogen withought using their full line. Pisses me off!
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Yah okay church your right everyone disregard everything I have told you gh 3 part is an awesome nutrient line.. Do not feed your plants carbo product like humboldt honey es or bud candy or anything else during bloom and last weeks it won't do anything but ruin your products and does nothing for your plants, canna and advanced nutrients are garbage after 10 years of growing I just found out in 1 hour everything I know and have studied is wrong.. I'm quitting growing today because I just found out I have been doing everything wrong for a decade

Church and ben know everything just listen to them I'm out I'm cutting everything down right now I'm never gonna flush again..

Miracle grow is such a good product they sell it at every grow store in America (if you ever see miracle grow at your local hydro store and they tell you to use it say omg thank you so much this is great!) don't ever buy marijuana specific nutrients again imam feed with lawncare products! Anything else I should know before I leave church? You are the man!!
I never said gh lacked micro nutrients i said it lacks the additional vital amino acids vitamins and bloom enhancers that you need to run in conjunction with their 3 part bases in order to get quality yields or anything worth while.. 3 part gh is not a complete nutrient you need to run additional cal-mag and additives for plants to flourish the shit is still garbage.

But you know everything so keep preaching to the choir we are all here to learn from you master
Bro no the fuck it doesn't that's strain dependent now your just pissing me off, your the chem I'm running with that 3 part and your whole shit is gonna b fucked.. I used have to add 10 ml/gal on top of 3 part to get rid of mag deficiencies stop lying man your annoying shit out of me w your non sense
Telling people u don't need to add cal-mag to any plant using gh 3 part is like trying to tell me a dude weighing 100'lbs needs the same caloric intake as someone else who ways 300 and is a professional athlete your an idiot
Well if we're going to compare to humans using supplements... Coincidentally I just watched a documentary debunking the supposed benefits of eating vitamin pills and supplements. While some of the claimed benefits of for example Zinc may be true, using pills with Zinc is only going to help if there's a shortage, if your daily base nutrients do not supply it already...

Same thing with plant nutrients. A PK additive is only going to have a positive effect if there was a shortage, which is not the case if you use balanced base nutrients.

The boosters are a scam, additives that don't add but take away (money and balance), their useful part is just a subset of the elements that are already in base nutes, but rebottled, relabeled, and with a new price tag...

They would be out of business..
Unfortunately it doesn't work that way in practice. Too many sheople who choose to be fooled for money, who want to think they instead of the plant grow mj. And that's why they train people like you wrong, they have an entire army of scammers like yourself who's heads they filled with the same nonsense they put on their labels and ads. As for the magic products that don't even have essential nutrients, you might as well be selling anti-aging cream...

You boost about experience and yields yet clearly show you don't understand plants even at a basic level. I suggest you pick up a book on nutrient uptake and stay far far away from anything AN or Canna tells you. Read something that's not about cannabis, but basic botany. I.e. no information from a market that has been allowed to thrive merely because of prohibition. Only the misinformed and uneducated waste money on bottles and labels and snake oils.

Bro your a real moron carbohydrates serve many benefits in growing crop especially during last few weeks of bloom you idiot..
Bro no the fuck it doesn't that's strain dependent now your just pissing me off


I don't even use all 3 bottles when you run the line you can just use the micro and bloom gives you a 5-5-5 ratio supplement the grow with cal-mag and whatever amendments you want to bulk and flower with don't even recommend using that shit anyways
Wow you guys are funny I should never joined this stupid forum I'm out people are dumber than I thought on here.. Tired of hearing about snake oil you sound like half my customers that don't wanna pay for good nutrients and then complain when they aren't getting premium yields or quality flowers.. The shit isn't snake oil just the idiots who don't know how to use products you are not a botanist you aren't that smart n-p-k ratios are for the birds all nutrients work you read your plants and adjust accordingly tired of talking to you idiots BOL with your pathetic grows and minimized need to read a book about cannabis it's a unique plant it isn't like growing corn or cucumbers buddy

And yes pk boosters do work when you use them properly at the right times plants have different needs throughout the life cycle of flowering and they benefit from adding additional pk to them during critical peak bloom phases but you wouldn't know that because you wanna read books about growing ornamental plants and shrubs and apply it to the cannabis plant lol
I find it funny that everyone on here is preaching about npk but tell you not to boost additional pk during bloom then what should we do get a N booster? Lol.. If npk was so important and had to be so specific to growing cannabis then why wouldn't every nutrient company produce a npk ratio that are exactly the fuckin same? Different plants require different amounts there's no 1 right answer.. Ur making shit way more complicated than it needs to be.. You can watch your plants using any of the basic base fertilizers they will all grow it's the other shit you give it that promote the building blocks for your plants to flower aggressively and produce large sweet fruits..I don't need a botany lesson.. I'm doing fine with out them you on the other hand are preaching to the choir and don't have any rhyme or reason to the non sense you are spewing on here
How are you gonna tell me advanced and canna are snake oil .. There have been so many side by side done on so many different levels these two nutrient companies I don't care whose doing the testing come in the top 3 in all facets of cultivation yield smell taste size quality thc terpene production what the hell is the snake oil I've never seen it spend the money it averages out to 20$ a plant on most grows you get 4-6 ounces per plant so each ounce costs you roughly 3-5$ per ounce.. That's snake oil?
Ahhh are you illiterate or dyslexic? I said customers who DONT wanna pay for good nutrients and complain when using bs like gh 3 part bcux they won't spend money on good products like canna or advanced..not complaining about them buying shit I get irritated when they don't listen bcuz they are just wasting their time but whatever you say you obviously should re read what your responding too lol