Best Stoner Movie

Dont be a menace while drinking your juice in the hood
grandmas boy
half baked
pineapple express
jay and silent bob
clerks 1 'nd 2
cheech and chong although a bit overrated

Not a good stoner movie but great while your blazed
fight club and american gangster
That makes sense i ALWAYS roll my shit on the cases i get when i rent my movies and games XD

haha thats nice so the little kids go back to blockbuster and say mommy whats this stuff in your movie case. :clap:

Just kidding.. if that happened it would be funny as hell, espicially if it was like in the store and you saw it.
Dont be a menace while drinking your juice in the hood
grandmas boy
half baked
pineapple express
jay and silent bob
clerks 1 'nd 2
cheech and chong although a bit overrated

Not a good stoner movie but great while your blazed
fight club and american gangster

My list would probably look much the same as this one including the Not So stoner movies as Well, But I would also like to Add:

Requiem for A Dream
Tropical Thunder (not so much stoner, but hey,
Usual Suspects (another not so much stoner, but You'll be like who tha Fuck is Keyser Soze)
Humblot county just saw it yesterday its pretty good and also a documentery called "the union the buisness of getting high
I just dowloaded a jamaican reggae movie called Rockers, very funny shity. The 1st scene is a crazy Chalice smoking session.

When I want serious movies to smoke with I go for Documentaries and stuff like David Lynch ;-)
You'll love Saw VI then, guess their going after Halloween count, what halloween has something like 13 movies.
The Big Labouski -- amazing
Pinapple Express-- Instant Classic
Belly-- little disapointed this it is it's first rep

2nd place only b/c they are on VHS and I have to go to the rents of all places to watch (they are the last people i know with a vhs player)
Half Baked got this movie for my 13th birthday before i had hit a spiff... haha my sis already knew...
Super Troopers These snozalberrys taist like snozalberrys
Out Cold Funny Shit
Wtf people? How the hell does Pineapple express get so many mentions but not Dazed and Confused?!!! Get your heads on straight! Also, I loved Airplane, all the Naked Gun movies, Caddyshack, I'm gonna git you Sucka, Ski School, There's Something about Mary, Along Came Polly, and Meet the Parents.

Oh, and definitely the Big Lebowski.

Oh, and if you're REALLY baked...."The Lunatic"! Lol!
