Best Stoner Movie

Wtf people? How the hell does Pineapple express get so many mentions but not Dazed and Confused?!!! Get your heads on straight! Also, I loved Airplane, all the Naked Gun movies, Caddyshack, I'm gonna git you Sucka, Ski School, There's Something about Mary, Along Came Polly, and Meet the Parents.

Oh, and definitely the Big Lebowski.

Oh, and if you're REALLY baked...."The Lunatic"! Lol!


Dazed and confused is one of my all time favorites. Must have watched it like 50 times.
" Boondock Saints" .... one of the funniest sick movies I have ever seen.... I nearly pissed myself laughing, had to stop the movie and recover many times..

Easyrider.... " a whole new may of looking at the day.." goin to Mardi Gras....

Reefer Madness.... only way to watch is stoned... hilarious!

Jay and Silent Bob.... I swear I knew guys in Jersey just like them...

Slapshot..... watched the Hansons put on the foil again the other day....

A Knight's Tale .... with Heath Ledger ... the sound track of rock, jousting, Shannon ( yum!) .... just a plain cool movie!