Best strains currently available?

I'll suggest another for you....

Blue Cheese from Big Buddha....If you dial this one in. You can hit in between 23-24% all day long.....Not hard to wring out a good pheno.. Just keep cuttings from each bean till you have the strong one and then ditch the rest!

that's how we roll ;) i'll check em out! thx!!
I just said I give em away for free 8) only catch is ya gotta visit (or know some one that has), I don't mail em as I stay completely legal since I have a felony for MJ did 3 years back in the 80's
YOU can put a fake address on it for a return address.Drop it in post office and hide your face and leave no finger prints.I was also busted in the earley you can also get a parden from the govener in the state you was busted in if you have a decent record cense
Well I just searched it, there are sites that say that is what it was, from Leafly

Introduced in 2003 by Ken Estes, Granddaddy Purple (or GDP) is a famous indica cross between Purple Urkle and Big Bud.

all I know is the PE X BB cross I grew made big buds and the GDP cut didn't
KEN also told that he got the GDP from the indens up in the mountains in cali.I personley would not trust him he has been cought up in lies
So true !!!

I had the Attica cut of Trainwreck (pic) and used it to make Crazy Train 8) of which the first ever grown is in veg as I type
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Oh really. Can you clip a cut for me? I am also picking up PitBull and others when there.
If you jsut pop seeds that are not used to your climate/environment then it will take at least 3 runs to get it to like the new changes. see some are made in desert dry and some in humid climates. I am learning this now. For me finding strains that handle PM is a must as west MI is wet wet and wet. I think Seattle can step back as we get allot more rain/snow than they do at least this last 6 months.
I can say some just have green thumbs and some dont. I fought pm/mites and sure yield suffered but I am harvesting some of the best smoke I have grown and I have grown top shelf. I dont know if you all know about "The Boil" but it makes a big diff if you do it right. Thanks @RM3 for teaching me the boil.
I wanna share a little known breeding thing with ya ,,,,,

Most growers don't breed, oh sure the occasional chuck happens but most are unaware that the odds of finding good phenos are like 1 in a 100. Finding greatness is like 1 in a 1000 or even 10,000

My point is, if you can get one of the "great" cuts,,,,,,,,,, do so !!!!

And breed with it 8)

Another trick is breeding cousins, in my many years of breeding, crossing cousins has always given me more potency
Well I just searched it, there are sites that say that is what it was, from Leafly

Introduced in 2003 by Ken Estes, Granddaddy Purple (or GDP) is a famous indica cross between Purple Urkle and Big Bud.

all I know is the PE X BB cross I grew made big buds and the GDP cut didn't
IF the gdp was given to ken I dought he even knows its make up from the start.but I still would like to grow it and see how it would grow in ky..
YOU can put a fake address on it for a return address.Drop it in post office and hide your face and leave no finger prints.I was also busted in the earley you can also get a parden from the govener in the state you was busted in if you have a decent record cense
Not in my case, if I get popped again it'll be for life, the mj felony is one of many, I have a very checkered past LOL
I wanna share a little known breeding thing with ya ,,,,,

Most growers don't breed, oh sure the occasional chuck happens but most are unaware that the odds of finding good phenos are like 1 in a 100. Finding greatness is like 1 in a 1000 or even 10,000

My point is, if you can get one of the "great" cuts,,,,,,,,,, do so !!!!

And breed with it 8)

Another trick is breeding cousins, in my many years of breeding, crossing cousins has always given me more potency
THANK YOU for that info.I never did concder my sealf a good breader.But I am a good grower outdoors and that's
Already let it go, but I can set some Crazy Train beans aside for ya 8)

The Crazy Train is Attica Trainwreck X Golden Tiger

Everybody wants sump'in for nut'in........LOL

Oh man. You got "it"! Can I get some? Please, pretty please,,,,,,Hmmm, :idea:, send pictures of GF and sisters.....Might work something out.......:mrgreen: :razz:
You think growin is addictive ? trust me breedng is a monkey on your back from hell LOL

I love it, so much fun workin different strains and creatin new fire, got a land race Dalat I'm gonna work this summer
TRYing to stop growing is like trying to stop having sex.My girlfriend of probley 14 years now did not even no I smoked the first 2 years we where togeather.I WOULD wait till bed time and tell her I would be on to beed soon as I took my 2 dogs out that I keep inside the house.ONE night I was out side smoking and she cought me and she said I was a drug addict.tell you the rest later some ones at my