Best use of my Trim?

the numbers are damn near identical though

One is THC, one is THCA. The two pictures show the effects of decarboxylating: Although different samples were used you see that in the graph on the right, THCA has not been converted to THC, it has not been decarboxylated, and therefor measures higher than THC. The graph on the left shows a sample that has been decarboxylated and you see that instead of having predominantly THCA, it has THC....however, the graphs are not clearly labeled with their units and they are using a differing scale to exaggerate effect, which is a visually misleading way of representing your data (6.739 looks bigger than 7.668 ). Also, a line graph is not appropriate for these data, a bar graph would better represent the results. Using the bar graph would allow a clearly labeled Y axis and keeping the scale the same across graphs would aid in quick and accurate visual analysis.

I would call this a huge fail in terms of data representation, but there is no source information, so maybe it is just the accepted format for their journal.
90% of my ISO goes into candy, so I'm sure that some decarb would have to occur when you drop it into the 300 degree candy mixture and during the time it takes the candy to cool, the graph I posted should support that, but by adding heat to evaporate the alcohol....well, any incidental decarb is not going to be a problem.

My use of heat is simple, it speeds it up and I make a lot.

If you guys need me to spread it out all thin before the next photo, I can do that. I can also wait until the batch is finished before taking a photo. Heck, I can even hold it up in the air, so you can't see any discoloration from whatever is under the pan....obviously the track marks left by the razor blade are pretty clear....maybe that is what it would look like spread out.... Lesson learned for posting a photo when you did not intentionally stage it and doctor it into the best photo you possibly could, I forgot my audience. I can also take criticism that comes in forms other than "looks like shit" or "sub par for many reasons", see my above critique of a "sub par" graph, but as far as the comment that was made about how I shouldn't post a picture if I didn't want criticism....well, I live in a nice area, I associate with intelligent people, and I am quite familiar with receiving corrective feedback. I can also recognize uneducated drivel by scent alone. I know already that my point is lost: I know this because I am trying to make that point on RIU.