Best way(s) to create bud size/weight in final 2 weeks???

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Umm, but you weren't asking how I flush. You were telling me that I flush with 15 gallons for a 5 gallon pot. You didn't read anything, because I wrote exactly how I flush in a preceding post. Don't be lazy bro and don't ask questions that have already been answered.
Who are you to tell someone what question they can ask? Why would anyone want to go back and reread this abortion of a thread? I'd like to know your technique as well but I missed it. You could easily reference the post number where you dispensed your flushing wisdom.

You don't have to agree with other opinions but if you think you are here to set people straight you are in for a humbling experience. Open your mind to some new ideas because you have no idea what some folks here have accomplished and experimented with.

Not everyone here has the best writing skills and many are stoned while posting. That doesn't mean their contributions to this craft are not meaningful. I'm sure I could learn some things from you but your holier than thou attitude is pretty annoying and not conducive to the free exchange of ideas.

I used to agree with your position on flushing but have come to understand it as far more nuanced based on some pretty compelling arguments based in chemistry and botany and other sciences. At the end of the day those trump your dick swinging assertions of growing the best bud.

Peace out, I hope you change your tune.
download (3).jpg wi u know look at meme ?
These must be the kind of photos everyone has been asking for.....great contribution. Those who make the most mistakes in trying to express their thoughts are often those who resort to memes criticizing those who have any amount of respect for written language. Words are paired with emotional reactions, this is how they gain "meaning". Meaning can only be conveyed when the words elicit the same emotional reaction from each organism. A somewhat shared consciousness in our society (yeah, it's pretty Jungian, sacrilege for a behaviorist) allows complete strangers to share meaning, but only if the words are similar enough to elicit the same response. Sentence structure absolutely plays into this emotional dance of interpretation! Incorrect grammar is not a moot point on the internet. Where should we correct grammar? In schools. Obviously these people are through with school and have finished learning and applying in that sense. Someone has to prevent people from looking like complete morons. Shall I wait until I see someone write in public and then correct their grammar? Someone has to do it, we live in a nation of idiots. If you don't want corrections, then don't use a written medium. I am sick of reading the ramblings of some idiot who cannot even take the time to proofread or make a moderate effort at correct communication: something which we all have the opportunity to learn. If my tax dollars are going to educate idiots like Chuck, then dammit I'm going to give him corrective feedback. Hopefully he feels like an idiot for making such simple mistakes: someone has to deliver consequences. This is my site too and I'm sick of wading through Dbags like that when they can't even write! If you can't write, then take a back seat and let the adults hammer it out. Maybe these people are some idiot savants, master growers who somehow learned everything about science without ever receiving corrective feedback on the written word. I call bullshit.

Your meme is a stellar example. I love that it is itself grammatically incorrect, and I suspect that was the point. This draws on the collective experiences of "fat cat" and "angry cat". The facial positioning of the cat has even gained some notoriety in the meme world. Congrats if this is your cat, your writing, and your grammatical mistakes were meant to be ironic.
Not everyone here has the best writing skills and many are stoned while posting. That doesn't mean their contributions to this craft are not meaningful.

Peace out, I hope you change your tune.
i have 4 writing styles , phone aka auto correct ( corrects caps and punctuation ... inserts random different words or the improper one ) tablet , keyboard ,
my ninja DAB style of writing is the most common :D
Who are you to tell someone what question they can ask? Why would anyone want to go back and reread this abortion of a thread? I'd like to know your technique as well but I missed it. You could easily reference the post number where you dispensed your flushing wisdom.

You don't have to agree with other opinions but if you think you are here to set people straight you are in for a humbling experience. Open your mind to some new ideas because you have no idea what some folks here have accomplished and experimented with.

Not everyone here has the best writing skills and many are stoned while posting. That doesn't mean their contributions to this craft are not meaningful. I'm sure I could learn some things from you but your holier than thou attitude is pretty annoying and not conducive to the free exchange of ideas.

I used to agree with your position on flushing but have come to understand it as far more nuanced based on some pretty compelling arguments based in chemistry and botany and other sciences. At the end of the day those trump your dick swinging assertions of growing the best bud.

Peace out, I hope you change your tune.

This site is functioning for me exactly as intended and I have a lot of fun. If you are hoping for a forum of independent experimentation and replication with intelligent discussion....then go start that forum somewhere or contribute to a journal. Personally, regarding your post, I wouldn't make those kinds of statements without first verifying what was written. "who are you to tell someone what question they can ask?" Go find the question that he asked me (you can use control f, you can go to his page, you can do any number of things to make the process easier if reading what would probably print out to a few pages is so arduous for you) and see why I will not dignify it with an easy response. After that, read the post in which he said he was just trying to get me to admit something....yep, peace and love brother, free exchange of information. My flushing process was stated, I believe within one of my first posts and before Chuck and Doer decided to get vocal. You can either read and get yourself up to speed, or you can throw out your opinion.

I am always smoking, but it doesn't have to impact my writing skills. For those who are impacted negatively by marijuana...well, maybe they shouldn't smoke it. Some people can smoke and still function at a 7th grade level, others cannot and probably shouldn't smoke.
Who are you to tell someone what question they can ask? Why would anyone want to go back and reread this abortion of a thread? I'd like to know your technique as well but I missed it. You could easily reference the post number where you dispensed your flushing wisdom.

You don't have to agree with other opinions but if you think you are here to set people straight you are in for a humbling experience. Open your mind to some new ideas because you have no idea what some folks here have accomplished and experimented with.

Not everyone here has the best writing skills and many are stoned while posting. That doesn't mean their contributions to this craft are not meaningful. I'm sure I could learn some things from you but your holier than thou attitude is pretty annoying and not conducive to the free exchange of ideas.

I used to agree with your position on flushing but have come to understand it as far more nuanced based on some pretty compelling arguments based in chemistry and botany and other sciences. At the end of the day those trump your dick swinging assertions of growing the best bud.

Peace out, I hope you change your tune.
and by the way, you are a dick. I hate people who couch their rhetoric in this pseudo complimentary bullshit. You attack and then you back off to your peace and love spiel. It's really obvious and a verbal technique usually used by women or very passive males. At least I'm pretty open about being a dick.
just wondering what the " fad " is in murder mitten ....... i miss it out there honestly ........ used to go out to UP and fish and party down .... for weeks at a time
Think I got under this douchebag's skin? Look how long his posts are to reply, Plus, he HAS TO reply to EVERY post. LMFAO. talk about being in someone's head. BWAHAHAHA!!!!
:D so i never caught your answer brother i might of missed it

what strains you running ?

G13, blueberry, green crack, white widow, train wreck, cheese, MOG kush, OG kush, afghani kush, and double blue dream. I ran a Jorge's Diamonds for a while, but didn't like it. I have feelers out for a high CBD, but haven't gotten one yet. One of my patients takes marinol for her seizures, but it is so expensive, I'd rather make her a nice extract for free.

Up to the cheese, those are all keepers. I'm seeing which kush I like and I'm pretty sure the DBD will be a keeper, but I'm not sure.
Think I got under this douchebag's skin? Look how long his posts are to reply, Plus, he HAS TO reply to EVERY post. LMFAO. talk about being in someone's head. BWAHAHAHA!!!!

Another feeble attempt to work someone else's actions into your twisted schema you have going. This one is short, is that easier to understand.....if you are a henpecker, then I could understand why you think a lengthy post is difficult. Chuck, you are so in my head...I might even brew another pot of coffee just to keep responding!
G13, blueberry, green crack, white widow, train wreck, cheese, MOG kush, OG kush, afghani kush, and double blue dream. I ran a Jorge's Diamonds for a while, but didn't like it. I have feelers out for a high CBD, but haven't gotten one yet. One of my patients takes marinol for her seizures, but it is so expensive, I'd rather make her a nice extract for free.

Up to the cheese, those are all keepers. I'm seeing which kush I like and I'm pretty sure the DBD will be a keeper, but I'm not sure.
personally i liked CBD crew's yummy it has no kick though
i ended up switching to auto's for my high CBD strain

*** EDIT have you ran GHS super lemon haze ?
just wondering what the " fad " is in murder mitten ....... i miss it out there honestly ........ used to go out to UP and fish and party down .... for weeks at a time

For the brothas south of 8 mile it's just stink: all it has to do is smell. North of 8 mile, in the "richer" communities its all about how it tests out....a little more selective clientele.
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