Best way(s) to create bud size/weight in final 2 weeks???

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Was he talking about 20 feet tall of ganja or a row, 20 feet long.

20 ft of bullshit, he doesn't even grow.

I already told you you were correct Chuck, I don't grow. I gotta run and do some work (I suspect that you people are living off of your girlfriends or family members. I'll be traveling two hours west, so if you want to find that town and meet up, hey I'm down for that too.

I grow 20ft tall plants using only some shit Doer before you go posting drivel.
I must apologize, I didn't realize the extent of your brain damage - keep looking for outdoor grows in Metro Detroit, genius. Have fun, I'll be sure to "like" some of your posts, it seems pretty important to you.
Your use of the third person tells me you are mimicking how your parents used to speak of you....and that it hurt. That's sad, mine always acknowledged I was in the room.

wow, you could have an account for every email address you have....wait, wait, wait, so you are saying that I could make a new account every day?

Have fun today clicking each other's like buttons! I just received like 10 likes, so soon I'll know what I am talking about. Enjoy your closeted lifestyle!
All from the same person who likes about everything.
I highly doubt it.
It's tough to give an answer because so many factors come into play. What medium, what kind of lights, etc.

My plants get water ONLY for their final two weeks(no acute flush prior, just plain water and sugars until harvest), but I use a bloom booster prior to that.

Bloom boosters only work if you know how to read your plants and use them correctly. Something almost nobody does. Basically I cut out all nitrogen for the week leading up to my 2 weeks of water before harvest.
check out the featured dispensary in this jokers area, they don't even post clear pics of their chitty weed.

Never been to helping obviously don't know the area that well. That's pretty funny though because I gave you the location of Shake and Bake. I was sure that your posts would be about Shake and Bake (yeah, I like to do things and then predict what a simple person will do with it, thanks Chuck I was almost spot on.) Everything south of 8 mile is pretty much ghetto, it is Detroit after all. If you want to stick to south of 8 mile, then check out the Detroit Cannabis Guild, it is a group of dispensaries with quality standards in place and operating under pseudo-regulation (that means it's not yet mandated and fully regulated by our government, but they are operating under pending legislation). Go northeast a little bit if you want actual medicine (Chuck, you aren't just a stoner, are you? You are producing a valid product, aren't you? You are growing strains for specific medicinal needs, aren't you Chuck?). Actually go visit a few dispensaries and you will probably find that those with the greatest pictures seem to have the worst product when you actually get there. This is where we get into the discussion of quality dispensaries, but I have a feeling that even if you have tried to read the words of all the preceding posts, you haven't really comprehended them.

In real life we laugh about those people who insist on growing with synthetic chemicals and then not flushing. Have fun curing out your chemicals boys! I'm not switching my products and I'm not switching my process....if I did I'd end up just growing a personal stash like so many of the people contributing here. Or, I'd have to supply places like helping hand, or shake and bake and only get a pittance on the which point growing is not worth it. My patients have standards and my dispensary's patients have standards (see how dispensary gets the possessive while patients gets the plural?)

Read up on smash and grabs in the Detroit area before you question why a dispensary would not have photos (some of them aren't even located at the address on leafy, thcfinder, etc, they are down the road).

I'm sorry, Chuck. I was just joking about your lack of mental ability, but the more I read from you (all over the site), I shouldn't really tease you about something you can't change. You have offered a link to a guy who writes "leafs, leafs, leafs".....Yep, the Toronto Maple Leafs, but plants have leaves....credibility son. Have you offered much else?

By the way, Chuck, when you want something to belong to a word (as in "jokers area") you have to use an apostrophe to make it possessive (joker's area, the area belonging to the joker. you originally wrote the area of many jokers, which is also correct).

It is a jokers area, but you wanted to call me a joker, so you should use that apostrophe. Your insult did not work as intended because we are in a written format and I'd wager that you can barely even speak your attempts at insults.
I was asking how you flush, apparently you don't know. You can't even answer a simple question about your growing techniques.

Umm, but you weren't asking how I flush. You were telling me that I flush with 15 gallons for a 5 gallon pot. You didn't read anything, because I wrote exactly how I flush in a preceding post. Don't be lazy bro and don't ask questions that have already been answered.
Mom cutting you off the internet, got to get to school?

Yes, she is. Your posts are so substantive, Chuck. You clearly know what you are talking about. Find any outdoor grows in Metro Detroit yet? Let me know if you do! Look a little to the North in Lapeer county if you want to find some outdoor - that's legal here too.

School, ha, based on your writing that is something you should have gone to. Does it make you angry when someone like me can smoke all day long and get a master's degree while you do....well whatever it is that you do. Wait, let me guess, you want a photo of it! Before you demand proof, just read your own writing and compare it to....well, grammatically compare it to the writing of a 6th grade student....maybe that's about the time you stopped participating.

These must be the kind of photos everyone has been asking for.....great contribution. Those who make the most mistakes in trying to express their thoughts are often those who resort to memes criticizing those who have any amount of respect for written language. Words are paired with emotional reactions, this is how they gain "meaning". Meaning can only be conveyed when the words elicit the same emotional reaction from each organism. A somewhat shared consciousness in our society (yeah, it's pretty Jungian, sacrilege for a behaviorist) allows complete strangers to share meaning, but only if the words are similar enough to elicit the same response. Sentence structure absolutely plays into this emotional dance of interpretation! Incorrect grammar is not a moot point on the internet. Where should we correct grammar? In schools. Obviously these people are through with school and have finished learning and applying in that sense. Someone has to prevent people from looking like complete morons. Shall I wait until I see someone write in public and then correct their grammar? Someone has to do it, we live in a nation of idiots. If you don't want corrections, then don't use a written medium. I am sick of reading the ramblings of some idiot who cannot even take the time to proofread or make a moderate effort at correct communication: something which we all have the opportunity to learn. If my tax dollars are going to educate idiots like Chuck, then dammit I'm going to give him corrective feedback. Hopefully he feels like an idiot for making such simple mistakes: someone has to deliver consequences. This is my site too and I'm sick of wading through Dbags like that when they can't even write! If you can't write, then take a back seat and let the adults hammer it out. Maybe these people are some idiot savants, master growers who somehow learned everything about science without ever receiving corrective feedback on the written word. I call bullshit.

Your meme is a stellar example. I love that it is itself grammatically incorrect, and I suspect that was the point. This draws on the collective experiences of "fat cat" and "angry cat". The facial positioning of the cat has even gained some notoriety in the meme world. Congrats if this is your cat, your writing, and your grammatical mistakes were meant to be ironic.
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