Best way(s) to create bud size/weight in final 2 weeks???

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So, you're trying to convince everyone that you grow the best pot in Michigan (fetching top dollar) AND you have a masters degree...... but yet you live in an absolute shit-hole area at 8 and Schoenerr????

You're either lying, or you have a $1,000 a day coke and hooker problem.
like everyone else, the answer lies in previous posts....let me save you the trouble. I gave 8 and schoenherr betting that Chuck would rip on shake and bake, making the false assumption that that was the dispensary of which I spoke. He instead chose helping hands, something that must be close to there, and ripped on them.

If you saw further conversations, then you undoubtedly know that I can walk to Troy. So, I either live at 8 and Schoennherr and walk 7 miles to Troy, or I live in one of the cities bordering Troy.

So, I am either lying or I have a coke and hooker problem. It is the former.
I don't have time to read through your wall of text and insults to filter out your bullshit for an answer.
post number 40, lazy didn't have time to read the first two pages....busy guy or a REALLY slow reader. Want me to answer the question that you should have asked based on that? 2 gallons.
You think doubling up with plain water your last two weeks is a flush.

You think flowers store nutrients and that they can be flushed out.

You believe putting your plant in the dark before harvest increases potency.

On top of all that, this is how your product is judged as "primo"?

It's all about how it tests out where I do business (until some legislation passes by "test out" I mean the dispensary owner taking it home, sampling it with some people, and then calling you with a price. Your price is going to be dependent on whether you hand trimmed, if it smells nice, how it tastes when it burns, and the smoothness of the smoke.

You're a fucking joke, just like everyone on this thread says. Have fun with your bro science, I'm done with your retarded ass.
You think doubling up with plain water your last two weeks is a flush.

You think flowers store nutrients and that they can be flushed out.

You believe putting your plant in the dark before harvest increases potency.

On top of all that, this is how your product is judged as "primo"?

You're a fucking joke, just like everyone on this thread says. Have fun with your bro science, I'm done with your retarded ass.
No, I don't think flowers store nutrients. I think that when the flower cannot obtain nutrients from the soil, it draws its food out of the fan leaves, hence the subsequent yellowing and dying.

I think that during a dark period trichromes rebuild, as they are deteriorated by UV light and are in a sense a shield for the plant. Yes, I do believe that putting a plant in an extended dark period before cutting it down will increase potency. I also dry my product in a dark room and use a green bulb when I check if it is time to jar them up.

How is my product judged as primo? Well, I have purchased a number of samples from various dispensaries as comparisons. My smoke is smoother, my flowers trimmed cleaner, my aroma distinguishable without being broken apart, my buds are tighter, and my buds have more crystals. I have visited a number of grow rooms and worked as a trimmer with multiple productions....I suppose you would want me to list point by point how my operation and product are objectively better - no thank you, you just said you are "done with my retarded ass". There is of course the repeat calls from the dispensary owner who has access to a large network of growers. When testing becomes law after current legislation passes, then I'll lay down the membership fee and post some numbers for you if that would make you feel better. My favorite is when patients come to me: we live in a medical state and there are thousands of growers in my county alone. I of course peruse craigslist to see what people are offering on there. So, my product is judged as primo through thorough benchmarking, I suppose. Benchmarking is when you look at the product of other companies to determine what standards to impose on your own product.
No, that's my bachelor's. Chuck, I have already done more in my 34 years than you will ever do in your life. Yep, bachelor's in psychology and a master's in industrial psychology. You may choose low paying jobs when given the opportunity, but I'll take whatever is most profitable. Now stop, you are embarrassing yourself.

You can't see my fingernails. If you can, then you can also see that the degree says summa cum laude - look up what that means and ask if I have the determination and dedication to do things the correct way. You have lost this argument. Insert comment about how I wrote too much (him uses hims words like a big boy...not memes).
Too bad they didn't teach you how to grow. Your plants are midgets. You are more intellectually irritating than a hooker that's spewing calculus.
Too bad they didn't teach you how to grow. Your plants are midgets. You are more intellectually irritating than a hooker that's spewing calculus.

Thanks, not bad for a one month veg, right? I guess I could bush them all out and have some wispy bottom buds to fill out bags. Good suggestion, I might do it, but I really just don't have time for bottom buds.

And yes, had I gone for botany I guess I would have learned something entirely different.
Thanks, not bad for a one month veg, right? I guess I could bush them all out and have some wispy bottom buds to fill out bags. Good suggestion, I might do it, but I really just don't have time for bottom buds.

And yes, had I gone for botany I guess I would have learned something entirely different.
Your tops are the size of my larfy bottoms
I just go to the hydro store and I tell the guy I need something for the last weeks of my grow and then I buy the most expensive bottle with the best cartoon.

like everyone else, the answer lies in previous posts....let me save you the trouble. I gave 8 and schoenherr betting that Chuck would rip on shake and bake, making the false assumption that that was the dispensary of which I spoke. He instead chose helping hands, something that must be close to there, and ripped on them.

If you saw further conversations, then you undoubtedly know that I can walk to Troy. So, I either live at 8 and Schoennherr and walk 7 miles to Troy, or I live in one of the cities bordering Troy.

So, I am either lying or I have a coke and hooker problem. It is the former.
Bullshit, you wanted to meet there to fight, remember?
Your tops are the size of my larfy bottoms
Ah yes, Snaps. The employee of the "commercially cultivation consulting services" Ok, ok, I understand that criticizing grammar has grown old on sites like this....but on a commercial web page! C'mon dude.

Good post though. Succint criticism with an insult thrown in (I'm assuming, "larfy" isn't something I know). If this is what I do on my own personal finances, imagine what I could do as a corporation.

You are correct, my tops are the size of your larfy bottoms.....I am guessing, I haven't really seen what you have in your house. Maybe I'll get a CO2 system and some of the other things I've been wanting to get....if you are "growersrus" then I sure hope you have more than 4 600s....
Bullshit, you wanted to meet there to fight, remember?
oh shit, that would have just been a's a long and multi-faceted con, but you bit on the part intended for you, Chuckie. And, if I remember correctly, it was doer that wanted to fight....wait, wait, let me type your next post ""
Thanks, not bad for a one month veg, right? I guess I could bush them all out and have some wispy bottom buds to fill out bags. Good suggestion, I might do it, but I really just don't have time for bottom buds.

And yes, had I gone for botany I guess I would have learned something entirely different.
You would have better results if you stop pulling off all your leafs. a few is fine if they are hiding a bud or yellow. when you pull all of them off like that, you mess up photosynthesis.
You would have better results if you stop pulling off all your leafs. a few is fine if they are hiding a bud or yellow. when you pull all of them off like that, you mess up photosynthesis.
generally, I wait until they can be gently plucked as opposed to pulled, but I do defoliate late in flower to free up light below, even if the leaf has not died. I am aware that there is a debate as to whether defoliating is a good thing, but you can't argue with its ability to increase light penetration.
generally, I wait until they can be gently plucked as opposed to pulled, but I do defoliate late in flower to free up light below. I am aware that there is a debate as to whether defoliating is a good thing, but you can't argue with its ability to increase light penetration.
So your giving light to the soil? I didnt see any lower buds
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