Best way(s) to create bud size/weight in final 2 weeks???

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Student loans are great for people that can graduate and step in to a 6 figure career. For everyone else, it's a stupid financial move. I'm guessing you'd fall in to the second category seeing as how you left your profession behind to deal weed. lol

As for me, I chose a different path.
Sorry dude, they didn't pass the law until I was already into it. At least I was on my way to doing something in case medicinal never made it to the ballot.
Sorry dude, they didn't pass the law until I was already into it. At least I was on my way to doing something in case medicinal never made it to the ballot.
I wouldn't change the experiences I had in college for anything and I would gladly pay much more than I did to have them again. The master's was free in exchange for some teaching because I had done so well in undergrad...and they gave me a that was a no-brainer. You need to re-think your numbers, a student loan payment can easily be made on an income of 50-60K, people do it all the time.
Lol you went to college to get 60k yearly and a student loan? Now that's fucking stupid.
I wouldn't change the experiences I had in college for anything and I would gladly pay much more than I did to have them again. The master's was free in exchange for some teaching because I had done so well in undergrad...and they gave me a that was a no-brainer. You need to re-think your numbers, a student loan payment can easily be made on an income of 50-60K, people do it all the time.

I'll grant you that. College was a blast I'm sure. That's the only part of not going that I regret...
I'll grant you that. College was a blast I'm sure. That's the only part of not going that I regret...

Sorry, I meant the conferences, the internships out of state, teaching, conducting drug research on rats (not pot, more like cocaine, nicotine, stress hormones), verbal behavior research with autistic kids....really meaningful stuff. I certainly wasn't going for the paycheck: I loved the subject matter.
Lol nope. Not me. :D
ok, then you should easily realize that even with a moderate income one can afford a student loan payment of $500-600 per month. The money is at a low interest rate and there are few people who will chide you (in the employment world, we've proven the opposite on here) for being college educated.
Sorry, I meant the conferences, the internships out of state, teaching, conducting drug research on rats (not pot, more like cocaine, nicotine, stress hormones), verbal behavior research with autistic kids....really meaningful stuff. I certainly wasn't going for the paycheck: I loved the subject matter.

Then that's a good reason to go.

I have 3 kids. They will all get the same advice when the graduate high school. If they can attend a good college, and graduate with a degree in a lucrative field ...... or, if they have a passion for something (ie being a teacher), and that career path requires a degree, then go for it. Everyone else would be better served getting a job and saving some money instead of amassing student loan debt.
Then that's a good reason to go.

I have 3 kids. They will all get the same advice when the graduate high school. If they can attend a good college, and graduate with a degree in a lucrative field ...... or, if they have a passion for something (ie being a teacher), and that career path requires a degree, then go for it. Everyone else would be better served getting a job and saving some money instead of amassing student loan debt.
Now you're speaking my language, that is good advice to give on both ends. I don't want to live in a debt driven society any more than anyone else. Give the advice to truly excel in high school when they graduate junior high and you or they won't have to spend a dime!
Then that's a good reason to go.

I have 3 kids. They will all get the same advice when the graduate high school. If they can attend a good college, and graduate with a degree in a lucrative field ...... or, if they have a passion for something (ie being a teacher), and that career path requires a degree, then go for it. Everyone else would be better served getting a job and saving some money instead of amassing student loan debt.
easier route
High School to Drug dealing. all you have to do is flush your bud for 2 weeks and everyone will want your shit.
ok, then you should easily realize that even with a moderate income one can afford a student loan payment of $500-600 per month. The money is at a low interest rate and there are few people who will chide you (in the employment world, we've proven the opposite on here) for being college educated.

Student loans, mostly backed by the feds, is some of the worst debt to have. If something happened and you had to declare bankruptcy, good luck shaking that debt off. It will follow you until the day you die.
Student loans, mostly backed by the feds, is some of the worst debt to have. If something happened and you had to declare bankruptcy, good luck shaking that debt off. It will follow you until the day you die.
I know, it's retarded. I wish I was paying off federal loans with drug money, that's my kind of civil disobedience!
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