Best way(s) to create bud size/weight in final 2 weeks???

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just because you dont like greenhouse,doesnt mean they dont know how to grow a cannabis plant.and flushing doesnt mean starvation.they use whatever sugars and nutes stored in the leafs when finishing off.leafs should go from green to yellow,this will give you a better final product.if leaves are still dark green on harvest day,this will reduce quality of taste.ive been growing for over 15 years,and have tried no flushing to see if i get bigger yields and better quality,i didnt,plants should autum off when finishing up,like in the wild.if you do things correctly with your feeding then you shouldnt need to flush,and only give water for the final 2 weeks,your plants will still yellow up when finishing up,but so many ppl overfeed plants,so they should flush to force the plants to yellow up in the final few weeks.
I flushed, I didn't flush. Many times. Identical genetics. I ended up with sorry looking plants, and happy looking plants. Absolutely no difference in quality of bud.

If it was as important as you say, then it would simply be the way. There is a very good reason such a huge number of growers stick their middle finger up at flushing ;-)
In my last run I used a hormone (i know lol) that did leave quite an aftertaste. The one plant I left to finish late did not have anything other than plain water. This plant tasted much better with no after taste. Typically I dont flush but in this case it did help.
just because you dont like greenhouse,doesnt mean they dont know how to grow a cannabis plant.and flushing doesnt mean starvation.they use whatever sugars and nutes stored in the leafs when finishing off.leafs should go from green to yellow,this will give you a better final product.if leaves are still dark green on harvest day,this will reduce quality of taste.ive been growing for over 15 years,and have tried no flushing to see if i get bigger yields and better quality,i didnt,plants should autum off when finishing up,like in the wild.if you do things correctly with your feeding then you shouldnt need to flush,and only give water for the final 2 weeks,your plants will still yellow up when finishing up,but so many ppl overfeed plants,so they should flush to force the plants to yellow up in the final few weeks.

well said. follow that advice.
just because you dont like greenhouse,doesnt mean they dont know how to grow a cannabis plant.and flushing doesnt mean starvation.they use whatever sugars and nutes stored in the leafs when finishing off.leafs should go from green to yellow,this will give you a better final product.if leaves are still dark green on harvest day,this will reduce quality of taste.ive been growing for over 15 years,and have tried no flushing to see if i get bigger yields and better quality,i didnt,plants should autum off when finishing up,like in the wild.if you do things correctly with your feeding then you shouldnt need to flush,and only give water for the final 2 weeks,your plants will still yellow up when finishing up,but so many ppl overfeed plants,so they should flush to force the plants to yellow up in the final few weeks.

Your posts seems rather contradictory. First you say ghs know how to grow, (and they flush) thennyou follow up with if you do things properly, in other wordsmknow how to grow, then you don't need to flush. So either ghs know how to grow and are pointlessly flushing, or they don't know how to grow and hence are flushing.

And aside from ghs, you say it yourself. There is no need to flush. This debate has nothing to do with overfeeding.
Flushing is recommended: a 2 week flush for organic grows and 4 weeks for non-organic grows (advanced nutrients, ect)( text book method). In all reality a 2 week flush will be just find.
how about just letting them run longer then the 2 weeks you had planned o_O
just sayin :D

isnt it GHS's video's that say to water soil with a ph'd water of 5.5 ive heard a couple people say this >.>
because greenhouse is the most honest company ever and if it was on the internet it has to be true.

and I expect because youve said that on the net, it must be true???
Reading first helps too before you answer and make a fool of yourself, I didn't say that greenhouse must be telling the truth,, but it does help to gain an understanding of the process with the exception of all the unhelpfull "oh it must be true because blah blah.
I expect the people who have bothered to search for ( OTHER ) companys plants will notice the same thing, flushing and its un-nessesary and harmfull to the plant to up the nutes to 15/30/15 in hydro, less is more.
Ive grown bigger plants feeding them a little every day, then others who feed 1 a week or every other week.

so unless you have something usefull/helpfull or anything other then negative to say, your not realy adding to or helping the conversation.
and I expect because youve said that on the net, it must be true???
Reading first helps too before you answer and make a fool of yourself, I didn't say that greenhouse must be telling the truth,, but it does help to gain an understanding of the process with the exception of all the unhelpfull "oh it must be true because blah blah.
I expect the people who have bothered to search for ( OTHER ) companys plants will notice the same thing, flushing and its un-nessesary and harmfull to the plant to up the nutes to 15/30/15 in hydro, less is more.
Ive grown bigger plants feeding them a little every day, then others who feed 1 a week or every other week.

so unless you have something usefull/helpfull or anything other then negative to say, your not realy adding to or helping the conversation.
yes because we all know in nature .......... that the soil is flushed of nutrients two weeks before a weed plant finishes O.o mother nature only does it for weed plants i guess since every other plant dam near, throw's yellow and red leaves due to the seasons changing and not a N-P-K def
All this shit depends on growing stes mediums etc. I grow organic soil. I use molasses to feed the soil not to sweeten the bud. I use a custom blend soil that is water only the entire grow with molasses mixed in here or there to feed soil.
yes because we all know in nature .......... that the soil is flushed of nutrients two weeks before a weed plant finishes o_O mother nature only does it for weed plants i guess since every other plant dam near, throw's yellow and red leaves due to the seasons changing and not a N-P-K def

Oh, one of those people who thinks ditch weed is good weed! mother nature doesn't throw unnatural amounts of chemicals at her weed plants either, does she?

I'll say this: I flush and the dispensary calls me every week for more product. I flush and my ash is white as the driven snow. I flush and my shit never sparkles. I flush and joints don't make my lips tingle like the crap you can buy down on 8 mile.
Oh, one of those people who thinks ditch weed is good weed! mother nature doesn't throw unnatural amounts of chemicals at her weed plants either, does she?

I'll say this: I flush and the dispensary calls me every week for more product. I flush and my ash is white as the driven snow. I flush and my shit never sparkles. I flush and joints don't make my lips tingle like the crap you can buy down on 8 mile.
Are you saying if you didn't flush the dispensaries wouldn't hit you up every week? And what color is you ash when you don't flush?
Are you saying if you didn't flush the dispensaries wouldn't hit you up every week? And what color is you ash when you don't flush?

I'm not sure why I would try not flushing when flushing works so well. Are you saying that I'll get a better price from the dispensary if I stop flushing? Are you saying that the product will taste better and burn cleaner? Or are you saying there will be no difference? In either case I don't know why it matters to you. Maybe you are saying that the quality will actually improve by feeding all the way up until harvest. I've never understood why people insist on inferring what people didn't say as opposed to just looking at what they did aren't saying anything is what I'm trying to say :-) Oh crap, mother nature doesn't put the plants in an extended dark period or trim off the leaves, I must be doing that wrong as well. Dang, she doesn't have constant humidity or temperatures either, I guess I'm doing everything wrong!

I will continue to switch to twice as much straight water for the final two weeks and I will continue to get higher prices from the dispensary than other people :-) Flavor and aroma are dependent on many things and for whatever reason, mine are right on point.
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