Better Bud Thread


Im just trying to find out if anybody out there has any techniques to get denser, stinkier, stickier and/or more attractive buds Oh yeah and also any techniques that will increase the THC production.
Um.. Give the plant what it needs. Food, Water, Light. I feel like that was a pretty vague question man I don't wanna come off as sounding rude either. I can slightly help you out in the THC area. I heard UVB lighting directly influences THC production. But it is also a genetic thing and theres nothing you can do about that except get different strains.
Living soil, it's all about the dirt in 20012 the 26 strans that netted over 20% all had one thing in common grown in dirt. My guess would be that living organic has something to do with it
Uvb works- 600 and 1000 watt Will show results

I've hard UVB stresses the leaves, causing more and denser trichome production to protect the leaf.
However, i have also heard that the wattage required to do so is HOTLY debated,
some thinking higher wattage is required, others still insisting as low as 40w will do.
I would probably say that lighting is the number one thing you can do for denser buds. Environmental control (air temps/humidity, circulation, etc) is another big one. If you want a stinky strain, pick one with this trait. C99 is never going to smell like Sour Diesel, no matter what you do.

Fertilizers should be given to the plant as they need and in proper ratios. Learning basic plant biology, nutrition and photosynthesis will help you greatly in providing what the plant needs. The number of posts asking for help while showing zero understanding of basic plant biology/nutrition is mind boggling. People seem to prefer giving advice to researching on their own.

There are no magic potions. Whoever said "food, water, light" is right. You have to provide the best environment for the plants. Respond the the plant, don't try to make the plant respond to you.

Learn about how plants take in nutrients through cation exchange. This was eye opening information for me. It will help you understand a lot about plant nutrition. Learn about the micro and macro nutrients and what they are used for in the plant. Learn how to spot deficiencies/toxicities of the major nutrients. Believe it or not, not everything is a "cal-mag" deficiency. And a teaspoon of epsom salt would probably serve you better in your bath tonight ; )

If you can't describe in your own words, transpiration, respiration & photosynthesis, go back and read more. There is tons of good info on the (non-canna-specific) web.

The most important thing is experience. That is, experience built on several successive grows. Every grow you learn more and it seems the more you learn, the less shit you need.
I know this stuff guys im just saying... Some eople add molasses and some people will dry it a certain way or leave the plant in the dark during the last days of flower and all types of weird remedies to get better buds. I was just wondering if theres any tricks out there that i dont know yet.
Well I can not say for sure that florescent uvb work or not, but logically you could expect results as cfl' s vs. 1000w. Also growing under r all Mh light will increase your potency.
Molasses is the perfect example of what drives me nuts. I would say the VAST majority of people who add molasses to their medium do it with absolutely no idea of how it benefits their plant if it even does at all.

I have heard people say it feeds the plant sugars, makes your bud "sweeter", provides "carbs" for growth, fattens buds, flushes "chemicals"..... all of which are just plain wrong. You wouldn't know that from the number of times they get repeatedly posted over and over and over.

Its not a case of "some do it this way and some do it that way" Some just do it wrong. Some do it based on conjecture and not fact. Some do have different methods that are both viable but I think there is a LOT of conjecture being passed around as fact in the canna-grow world.

Learn the real science behind these techniques. Some have actual papers and studies on them. I just saw a paper on the UVB thing and how it actually does increase THC. Thing is, none of this matters if you dont have your grow 100% dialed in. Worry about advanced techniques to increase yields/potency when you fully understand everything else about growing. If you can't spot an MG deficiency or describe photosynthesis, the UVB aint got shit for you.
I know this stuff guys im just saying... Some eople add molasses and some people will dry it a certain way or leave the plant in the dark during the last days of flower and all types of weird remedies to get better buds. I was just wondering if theres any tricks out there that i dont know yet.

Oh ya a whole bunch of using the search bar...that's a good trick....lmao....sorry couldn't resist......buddy you're going to find that everyone has his or her own way, just like the baseball player who won't wash his socks for the whole season....hold on, I might have stumbled across something here...if I don't wash my socks till I harvest my buds will be bigger, denser, and have 30% THC....naw, I'll stick with my OG #18 in my and I'll be good :weed:....there is one trick I swear by, and thats to bring my flower rooms temps down to between 60F and 68F, sometimes letting it get as low as 55F and my buds are tight and the hint of blue in my Blue Rhino is actually turning blue because of the colder temps mimicking fall....or so I's working so far...good luck...
?...Thing is, none of this matters if you dont have your grow 100% dialed in....

With your permission, I am going to add this to my signature. This comment is applicable across the board. And I literally mean, across the forum board. Truth is, this concept applies to all of our hobbies; Cars, Cigars and Guitars, you can't circumvent the basics and you just can't purchase success in a bottle any more than you can purchase a magic guitar pick.

Edit: Sorry I didn't have any tricks to contribute to the thread.
Oh ya a whole bunch of using the search bar...that's a good trick....lmao....sorry couldn't resist......buddy you're going to find that everyone has his or her own way, just like the baseball player who won't wash his socks for the whole season....hold on, I might have stumbled across something here...if I don't wash my socks till I harvest my buds will be bigger, denser, and have 30% THC....naw, I'll stick with my OG #18 in my and I'll be good :weed:....there is one trick I swear by, and thats to bring my flower rooms temps down to between 60F and 68F, sometimes letting it get as low as 55F and my buds are tight and the hint of blue in my Blue Rhino is actually turning blue because of the colder temps mimicking fall....or so I's working so far...good luck...


That's a trick for bud color, not density
Just one of my worthless thoughts but, more than just color I think that low temperature towards the end really actually causes you end results to be better looking smelling and tastings.
It was a good question. People could have talked about additives. The lights and temp were nice. Other than that it was a bunch of "don't ask questions! Grrr! We hate questions! So we're gonna reply by talking about everything except what you asked!"

The good thing is that this thread caused me to go look up this "google" thing, I had no idea what the hell that was.
Shit I forgot to mention the best additive it makes everything better 100% of the time. Here it the trick once a day you go into you flower room and take a number 3 all over your buds, no other additive gives you instant results like this methodology. All organic to boot. Supper sticky buds adds weight too. If you know what a number 1 is and a number 2 is, than you see why I choose the #3. Pee was hard on my buds and poop was not sticking well. But #3 is where it's at!!
Forums die if people quit asking questions. I think changing your bulbs every 2 grows, proper ph (im a hydro guy) and adding co2, if done properly are the little things that make big things
Shit I forgot to mention the best additive it makes everything better 100% of the time. Here it the trick once a day you go into you flower room and take a number 3 all over your buds, no other additive gives you instant results like this methodology. All organic to boot. Supper sticky buds adds weight too. If you know what a number 1 is and a number 2 is, than you see why I choose the #3. Pee was hard on my buds and poop was not sticking well. But #3 is where it's at!!

That was just fucking stupid
Your stupid. And hydro is not how to grow better buds more yes better no way. High Times cannabis cup tested 26 strains over 20% last year all had one thing in common grown in soil. I think that you're in the wrong thread this one is better buds not how to grow a bunch of crappie hydro