Hey guys great thread you've made. I'm brand new to the bho vac thing and I was looking on line for more info about it and found your thread. You guys have taken a lot of time to post tons of info and ideas on here that are very helpful to say the least.
I'm currently purging my first try at honeycomb. My starting product has been sitting around for about 2 months and it's a mix of some sugar shake and small popcorn buds of OG. I flower my OG for 10.5 weeks till I get about 30-40% amber trichs. I think that combined with the fact that my starting material is a couple months old has given me a bit darker of an oil to work with. Although the starting color of the oil after the initial extraction spray was much lighter in color than my heated oil color after going in the vac chamber. I think I may have over heated the oil while purging it. At times the oil had reached up to 135F and I've read that OG oil doesn't like temps over 100F. It's very tricky not letting the heat creep up on you too much. I have also read that different strains will react differently at different temperatures. So I have been finishing up this batch at a very low 85F oil temp. And it's finally starting to dry up and honeycomb now after 3 days of playing with different temps.
I read the first 50 pages of this thread then jumped to this last page because it is getting late and I want to ask you guys a question that I didn't notice anybody had talked about in the first 50 pages I read. Sorry if you guys covered it at a later time in the thread.
So my question is: Has anybody tried using fresh off the plant (not dried or cured at all) buds for immediate butane extraction? I've seen the term "fresh" starting material used. But I think people mean fresh in the way as freshly dried buds. Also I wonder if I can use fresh frozen sugar trim not dried?
When we process our plants I immediately freeze the sugar trim for future bubble extraction material usually. So I am wondering if I can use my frozen sugar trim for bho extraction without drying it? Has anyone tried this with either fresh off the plant buds or fresh non dried sugar trim? If so please tell us your experience and results with doing this.
If no one has tried it I may have to be the guinea pig