Well-Known Member
Science Damn it!
I just realized that's from south park.
Science Damn it!
I believe it helps people not murder. But so do the harsh penalties we have in society. So I don't know if there is any good to Christianity, I would say it "helps kids come up with good morals" but I don't know if accepting random authority and lying to children is good "morals".
Thats not what I was talking about. I believe all religion stems from one truth and that includes christianity. Of course Christianity is disgustingly corrupted by man but there is still spiritual truth in its teachings.
I wonder if our descendants would have moral superiority to us? say...2000-3000 years.
Good topic Finshaggy.One I'd like to get back on,when I can.Little fucked up right now.(my birthday)
I wonder if our descendants would have moral superiority to us? say...2000-3000 years.
Good topic Finshaggy.One I'd like to get back on,when I can.Little fucked up right now.(my birthday)
Happy birthday, dashcues!
If I may slightly remodel your question, do we today have moral superiority over our ancestors of the first millennium BC? I would say no. cn
Down and out?cn
...hey Fin, did you know that Moses was born twice?
What do you mean?
I didn't know pretty cool. It's in his name. Moses, when broken down, is 'water - fire - womb' - moshe. He was born (symbolically, of course) of water and fire. Raising the serpent is the second birth. "Fiery Serpent" "Serpent of Life", that stuff - lol
I didn't know that. neither, just learned that recentlyLots to go!