Biblical Truth

and your not fighting your hiding and running

more delusional thoughts from you . . . . the only thing the court would have held over your head was piss test and dont get in more trouble . . . . . you a punk and a coward who asks others for money and donation s and you cant even be man enough to admit reality . . . . you are a joke

who lies all his life

got any more lies or hypocritical generalization or statements to make to further prove to all that you are a complete buffoon
I love this thread. The religious nuts always give the best reactions.

I choose to believe in nature and nothing more. You may laugh but at least I can prove its real.
People all need something to believe in. I'm the realist the says believe in urself and nature cause those are all that can save you. But I respect all peoples opinions its when they try shoving it down my throat or are extreme about it I get very offensive very fast. More than once I've sent missionaries away with tears in their eyes. I think its a pathetic reality of life. We need to feel like there's more to life. I find there's three different people in terms of the subject. The optimist who glorifies and praises the donut (religious nuts) the pessimist that criticizes the hole(agnostic/ what have you). And the realist (me) who says "its just a fucking pastry now stfu and eat a croissant!"
I love this thread. The religious nuts always give the best reactions.

I choose to believe in nature and nothing more. You may laugh but at least I can prove its real.

...that's respectable. It's just, I find looking at things that I can't see more interesting. POtaTO poTAto.
Ok.You only want to talk about one version of the bible.No problem,just thought this was gonna be about biblical truth.
:lol: No it's about any version of the Bible, I'm sorry if you don't agree with it, but then again, neither do I. It's just the Bible.
haha a pathological liar . .

you also claimed to have gotten your HS diploma, or a GED or somthing , in JV . . . so whats true now
I've never once lied on this website, which is proven by your inability to find evidence. All you can do is "call" me a liar, I never lied though :dunce: And I did get a HS diploma in juvy. That's when I had the psychologists and shit dumbass. The case that I'm fighting now has NOTHING to do with the cases of my childhood, except that the psychological examinations from them will prove my religious use of marijuana. Way to need a heavy description though, after following me and trying your hardest to sound out the words I write. (I was going to say "reading" but I'm not sure you know how)
I love this thread. The religious nuts always give the best reactions.

I choose to believe in nature and nothing more. You may laugh but at least I can prove its real.
nature is not a bad way to go . . . .. any worship of a human like form is suspect to me
Then quit bashing Shiva. It's not a human like form, it's just something that happens in humans and can be described as a person so that people can relate. Shiva is the message of marijuana, Shiva is the good father, Shiva is your feeling when you dance, Shiva is human animal relations. Shiva is not a "Human like form". :dunce:
People all need something to believe in. I'm the realist the says believe in urself and nature cause those are all that can save you. But I respect all peoples opinions its when they try shoving it down my throat or are extreme about it I get very offensive very fast. More than once I've sent missionaries away with tears in their eyes. I think its a pathetic reality of life. We need to feel like there's more to life. I find there's three different people in terms of the subject. The optimist who glorifies and praises the donut (religious nuts) the pessimist that criticizes the hole(agnostic/ what have you). And the realist (me) who says "its just a fucking pastry now stfu and eat a croissant!"

I believe nature and society and animal societies and human nature can be described, and further how the react with one another can be described. Like how in Greek mythology Aries and Aphrodite are married. This just shows that Love and War correspond. And that they are 2 sides of one coin, without war there is no peace, without peace there is no war. Pagan stories are not meant to be actual people, they are descriptions of the world and it's workings.
Non sequitar
Non sequitur?How so?
Or are you meaning "oxymoron"?Such as in "biblical truth"?if so,yeah...I get it.

1.The King James version of the bible says "thou shalt not kill".
2.The King James version is a bible.
3.All bibles say 'thou shalt not kill".
That's a non sequitur.

Finshaggy wants to discuss(?) the King James version,I'm assuming it's one he owns,and has knowledge of.No big deal.I was just pointing out that other versions are better translated.But even two of the oldest witnesses(the codex alexandricus,and codex sinaiticus) translate to "murder" not "kill".
"Without evil there can be no good so it must be good to be evil sometimes"- Satan (south park) lol
That's not even against Christian teachings. Satan is an angel of god and therefore was never given freewill, in some way everything "satan" has ever done, was actually god's will being done.
Non sequitur?How so?
Or are you meaning "oxymoron"?Such as in "biblical truth"?if so,yeah...I get it.

1.The King James version of the bible says "thou shalt not kill".
2.The King James version is a bible.
3.All bibles say 'thou shalt not kill".
That's a non sequitur.

Finshaggy wants to discuss(?) the King James version,I'm assuming it's one he owns,and has knowledge of.No big deal.I was just pointing out that other versions are better translated.But even two of the oldest witnesses(the codex alexandricus,and codex sinaiticus) translate to "murder" not "kill".
I don't own ANY Bible, I'm just pulling topics of verses from memory and typing it in Google to find out where it is in the Bible.
That's not even against Christian teachings. Satan is an angel of god and therefore was never given freewill, in some way everything "satan" has ever done, was actually god's will being done.

Yep.Definitely agree.Might say he was God's prosecuting attorney.Man's adversary,not God's.
So I was told wrong, that Lucifer actually questioned god.

How can it be freewill if you give them rules to live by {paraphrasing of course ;-)}
So I was told wrong, that Lucifer actually questioned god.

How can it be freewill if you give them rules to live by {paraphrasing of course ;-)}

I'm not a Christian, so they may disagree with me. But I am just here pointing out what's IN the Bible. Lucifer didn't necessarily question god, he felt humans were petty compared to angels. Because angels are made of fire and light, while man is made of dust and clay. The disagreement was that Satan would not bow to Adam "as god told him to", but according to the Bible angels were never given and will never have free will. So in some way, god wanted Satan to do that. It's all made up shit anyways though. And they say that we have the "choice" to break these rules, we just get punished for our choices.
But to ask anything of god would imply doubt, that there is no absolute servitude, as angels must do because they lack the "freewill" given to man.

The narrative it's self is flawed
But to ask anything of god would imply doubt, that there is no absolute servitude, as angels must do because they lack the "freewill" given to man.

The narrative it's self is flawed

Yeah, but it all boils down to "angels do god's will", so if the stories are true, god is satan.
No, I completely understand your position. You're not a Christian, but I'm saying you need to go ahead and start being one. You have all the needed characteristics, that was the whole point of my post. And you're already going to church? WTF, what more do you need in this day in age to be considered Christian? You're it dude.

Where did I say that I went to church? I said me and my cousin were laughing about a scared mother fucker that went to church, we used the words "scared mother fucker", so I found it funny that you used those words later on.

Only spread awareness about the hateful bullshit if someone is trying to spread that hateful bullshit. Focus on the good.

Tear down that brick wall, man. That wall is something you and Christians have in common...

I've never once lied on this website, which is proven by your inability to find evidence. All you can do is "call" me a liar, I never lied though :dunce: And I did get a HS diploma in juvy. That's when I had the psychologists and shit dumbass. The case that I'm fighting now has NOTHING to do with the cases of my childhood, except that the psychological examinations from them will prove my religious use of marijuana. Way to need a heavy description though, after following me and trying your hardest to sound out the words I write. (I was going to say "reading" but I'm not sure you know how)
haha a pathological liar . .

I only went to jail once when I was 18 and never again as an adult, this case I'm currently fighting happened WAAAAYY after most of my "criminal" record (Marijuana smoking in Texas).

you also claimed to have gotten your HS diploma, or a GED or somthing , in JV . . . so whats true now

This is where I actually went to highschool, and is the name of the school on the diploma I got in juvy. I couldn't find any videos to show how huge it is, but I'll keep looking. I need to find like a tour of it or something, or I'll have someone else make the video eventually if I can't find one.

so many lies you cant even keep up with them . . .when people turn 18 they no longer go to JV