Money is a tool of trade. It represents effort and success in theory, which of course is negated if some are simply allowed to print it with no effort and no record of success.
Paper is currency with nothing backing it but faith. Which is Religion. Even worse if it's digital because now you believe in the imaginary power that runs your world and dictates its values.
This was you have eliminated your actual vote on society, a polluting company you won't support is bailed out, a bank with racist lending practices does go belly up but gets bailed out, and now you get to pay for your morality being subverted with an inflation tax. It's a win win for the politicians, big business and the philosophers but a big lose for you.
These "winners" aren't accountable as you and I are when they fail. If you're an architect and your building collapses you are liable. These politicians and philosophers, when their creations (policies) fail there is no accountability.
Money has value in and of itself, intrinsic; which can also be numismatic even if made of worthless zinc polished up real nice. Like a nice beautiful shiny turd.