Biden Bots

He misspoke and it doesn't really compare to the whoppers Trump tells daily, doesn't it? You don't strike be as a moral perfectionist. I don't think it would cost him a single vote, if he was running, which he isn't, neither is Trump, except from the law.

Where's Jackie? Has anyone seen her?
You wanna line him and Donald up, side by side with Biden and make a comparison? I mean ya figure the sun shines outta Trump's asshole, so your judgment is suspect at best.

Isn't that a lie though? Isn't it really that you figure that I figure the sun shines out of trumps asshole because you don't want to talk about what's going on at present?
Isn't that a lie though? Isn't it really that you figure that I figure the sun shines out of trumps asshole because you don't want to talk about what's going on at present?
What's going on that the republicans will solve?
What is your burning issue, the one so important that you would put your kid's future in the hands of fascist assholes and flush their future votes down the toilet?
Don't you know an antidemocratic and anti-American movement when you see one? Or are you stupid enough to think they are on "your side" when you are in fact just a useful idiot to them. Something has got the choke collar around yer neck and is jerking yer chain hard enough that yer head pops clean off.
As opposed to killing hundreds of thousands of Americans and losing 9 million jobs while destroying America's vital alliances with other nations and giving tax cuts to billionaires. But hey, I can see the attraction for the magats, living like shit is a small price to pay for sticking yer thumb in Uncle Sam's eye and grinding it in real good, even with Russia's help and fraternal friendship. Triggering the libs is worth anything and its better nobody get anything than the brown folks get some, cause they are taking over!
lol what a lame ass post.

I can imagine some right wing propagandist thinking it would be clever to try to 'own the libs' to make it look like the Democrats are using their tactics for a 'Pee Wee Herman' troll thread just like this one.

The tell is the 'one of the best presidents in the country right now'. Only a Trump cultist would pretend like there are more than one POTUS.

Are you enjoying your Putin price cut for gasoline or?

Inflation is worldwide and America is still enjoying single digit while everyone else is double-digit. Brought on by the pandemic and supply chain issues, that if we investigate further will land squarely in the lap of Trumps inaction during. US is THE world leader..if we make a mistake, it has worldwide repercussions and consequences.

I invite those who read this to post to share how much a gallon of gas is in your neck of the woods..I'd like to see what country you hail and cost per gallon exchanged into your countries dollars and American dollars. Here's how much the US pays with Cali always being more..

So, average of $4/gallon and everyone is complaining..Something overheard..'Americans? We have LOTS of food for you..' That was the biggest cringeworthy slap in the face I've heard in awhile and you know who it refers to.
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It was racism fused with anticommunism promoted by many of the wealthy and anything that helped all the people would help the brown people too and was thus socialism. Compromise was always possible, as long as a way could be found to throw black people under the bus and exclude them. It's the reason America is an outlier in many areas, like healthcare, social programs and social justice among other European and Anglo countries. Unions were too inclusive and socially progressive for them because they included minorities, so they have now been brainwashed into being anti-union too. Easy meat for con artists who just blow the dog whistle, even a dummy like Trump could do it and discover his true hidden talent.
As opposed to killing hundreds of thousands of Americans and losing 9 million jobs while destroying America's vital alliances with other nations and giving tax cuts to billionaires. But hey, I can see the attraction for the magats, living like shit is a small price to pay for sticking yer thumb in Uncle Sam's eye and grinding it in real good, even with Russia's help and fraternal friendship. Triggering the libs is worth anything and its better nobody get anything than the brown folks get some, cause they are taking over!

Precisely. It would cost the same amount of money as would be saved to 'crackdown' on SSA fraud.

Here is how we teach our children this valuable lesson on Zero End Game. I originally posted the thread in 2014.

As many as 40 children at Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City had their lunches seized and thrown away on Tuesday because their parents had fallen behind on payments. "It was pretty traumatic and humiliating," said Erika Lukes, the mother of an 11-year-old whose lunch was taken away.Jan 30, 2014

Ahhhhhhhh, the perverts of Utah and the Mormons who kill their wives in droves. It must be the magic underwear.
What's going on that the republicans will solve?
What is your burning issue, the one so important that you would put your kid's future in the hands of fascist assholes and flush their future votes down the toilet?
Don't you know an antidemocratic and anti-American movement when you see one? Or are you stupid enough to think they are on "your side" when you are in fact just a useful idiot to them. Something has got the choke collar around yer neck and is jerking yer chain hard enough that yer head pops clean off.

You sound super worried that Democracy-crats are fearful that Democracy is in danger from Democracy.
Trump 2016
"I wrote this out, and it's very close to my heart. Because I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11 — down at the World Trade Center right after it came down.

7/11 and 9/11 are pretty much the same thing to Americans. Am I right? :roll:
"New York sent not only a Congresswoman one of the most congresswoman in the Congress about the state troopers and emergency responders"
You sound super worried that Democracy-crats are fearful that Democracy is in danger from Democracy.
Not democracy, as much as propaganda, bigotry turning people into suckers, dark money and election cheating, even Russian help, if they could get away with it. If the republicans are so confident about elections, why all the voter suppression laws since the last election? They don't look very confident moving forward with Donald going down and his base freaking out over it. I guess we will see if America moves forward or backward in November, right now it's anybody's guess, the women could surprise everybody.

If they are not afraid of majority rule, why all the bullshit, bother, gerrymandering, new voting laws and election denial? 2020 was the cleanest most well-run election in American history, everybody was expecting trouble from Trump because he told them months in advance.

Do you think Trump won the 2020 election and it's all one big conspiracy?
The world will always work for the wealthy. The world wouldn't function any other way. There would be no wealthy if it didn't. It's been like that since the beginning. Bee's have a queen. People will always be subject to unfairness. I don't like it but I know I can't change it. Not a Trump fan at all. That's why I only vote to keep people like Trump out of office. I really don't like voting though. Stepping under that curtain and pulling that lever, to me, is like stepping under a giant skirt to pull on a penis.