Biden Bots

They murdered people because Lenin was a narcisst and Stalin was a psychopath in a culture where life was cheap, as it still is. Both communists and far right Nazis murdered millions, so did Mao in China and Popot in Cambodia. Ideology has little to do with it, authoritarian governments do though. At least communism got off the ground and lasted for 80 years, some dumb bastards advocate Libertarianism, a system so bad nobody on the planet ever adopted it! You would need to put a gun to folk's heads for that one too!

Like it or not we are all headed for communism, if our global civilization keeps going as it has, machines will do most of the work and work will become a privilege, not a right. Technology allows welfare states, we will have the means for people to either live lives of leisure or become useless mouths to feed. Technological progress is not steady, but the rate of change accelerates over time. Already tens of thousands have been thrown out of work by automation in electronic assembly, it's getting so automated it can now be economically on shored.

Trade makes ya rich and it's been known for a long time the more trade the greater the wealth and standard of living, globalization works. So do multicultural societies, when immigrants arrive today, they mostly do so by plane and with the internet they can bring their culture with them and talk to the folks back home, they don't assimilate as they once did. In a couple of decades Spanish could be an official language in America, they weren't immigrants, but were a founding people, along with the natives, English, French and Spanish, they didn't come to modern America, America came to them.
you’re making progress

No, it's just inevitable with technological progress and recent examples, the economy won't be able to function as it once did. I dunno how much wealth distribution will be involved and advocate none of it, it just obvious and predictable. People won't have jobs to go to. Take the switch to EVs that will happen over the next decade in lock step with battery technology. EVs have far fewer parts than an ICE vehicle, no fuel tank, exhaust or cooling system, even the brakes will last since most braking will be regenerative. There is little to go wrong with an EV that has a long-life cheap battery, some even have the motors inside the wheel hubs. EVs will be cheaper to produce, buy, maintain and operate, the number of auto mechanics will be a fraction of those today.
Battery tech like vanadium redox that bidens doe handed to China a few years back? Or maybe that mystery battery some nice smart Canadians put in the ev1 back in the 90's that gm rounded up all examples of and destroyed.
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Battery tech like vanadium redox that bidens doe handed to China a few years back? Or maybe that mystery battery in the ev1 back in the 90's that gm rounded up all examples of and destroyed.
Nobody is stopping an American company like Ambri energy from doing it or selling their intellectual property for a profit, it's a free country, unless national security interests are involved. Besides its useful for grid storage and the competition is though, solid state, lithium Sulphur and silicone is where it's at along with several other promising electrochemistry's, some in production now. Every automaker on the planet has bet the farm on it. Biden does not and cannot control the flow of basic technology like a liquid metal battery, that is private business, unless congress says otherwise. Chips and other technologies are another matter, but generally intellectual property is private property, unless ya like socialist big guberment.
They called themselves that as camouflage. They were fascists wearing the hot, bloody pelt of the actual socialists they eliminated. You keep ascribing reality to a deliberately deceptive name.

The philosopher of Fascism wasa devout Socialist though. Giovanni Gentile. Its the root of all the hard left totalitarianisms and skizms, collectivism in general.
I'm Californian and I read this just before I voted....
California is about to become the world’s 4th largest economy

Make sure that you have a balanced meal, and read this in the same sitting:
But Trump is why Hitler wasn't a capitalist and why Nationalism and Racism aren't exclusively right or left but really it's economics that separates right and left?
Left and right are primarily economic ideologies, liberal and conservative denote social policy positions. There are right wing liberals and conservatives who lean left, modern republicans are neither, they are fascists and will use any ideology or means to attain and cling to power.
Nobody is stopping an American company like Ambri energy from doing it or selling their intellectual property for a profit, it's a free country, unless national security interests are involved. Besides its useful for grid storage and the competition is though, solid state, lithium Sulphur and silicone is where it's at along with several other promising electrochemistry's, some in production now. Every automaker on the planet has bet the farm on it. Biden does not and cannot control the flow of basic technology like a liquid metal battery, that is private business, unless congress says otherwise. Chips and other technologies are another matter, but generally intellectual property is private property, unless ya like socialist big guberment.

The intellectual property is that of the US taxpayer though via the Pacific Northwest National Lab.

So why did Bidens DOE give it to China in 2012 and they now have the world's largest battery farm with our tech? Maybe that's why he's the big guy that gets 10% huh.
Left and right are primarily economic ideologies, liberal and conservative denote social policy positions. There are right wing liberals and conservatives who lean left, modern republicans are neither, they are fascists and will use any ideology or means to attain and cling to power.

So liberal and conservative policies are social, but they are called bills that run through the Legislature which is the nation's purse because they have to be funded but these bills totally have nothing to do with Economics.
