Big ass spider in my tent

I would get an AK47 and blast the shit out of it. I know they eat other insect and can be ( shit, just drew a blanc ) oh, beneficial. But I just couln't live or go in my tent knowing it's in there, it gives me the heebee jeebees.... Of course that's just my opinion...

The creepy old guy down the street gives me heebee jeebees, by your logic I should blast the shit out of him with an AK47 then right?
I vote let it go. You never know the plants may be more sensitive to negative energy then we are they may suffer if you kill it around them. I have recently been thinking about how to create a more harmonious energy environment for my plants. Especially with all the electromagnetic energy coming off the lights. Just might be the next advancement in agriculture. I already saw a couple month ago a company has released a biomagnetic device claiming 20% yield increase. It was pretty expensive though i will try a more natural approch and look into crystals and/or Orgonite. Check this out
I think cannabineer misunderstood. It falls more in line with physics. Generally speaking everything in the universe is energy. Some we have developed tools to measure and potentially an infinite number we have not yet discovered a way, some of which we may in the future. Applying that way of thinking with cause and effect you potentially have a scenario in which the vibrational energy of something or some action will have an effect on other energies i.e. your plants. Your plants remember also fall into the everything is vibrating energy as well. Another energy example, your eyes don't see a physical world they are designed to absorb a particular collection of light energy frequencies and transmit that data into your brain where it is categorized and assembled into an image in your mind that you associate as the physical world. To scatter that up a little more the world you do see is a world of the past as the same with the light taking 8 min to reach earth from the sun so also does the light being analyzed by your eyes have a delay from the time it takes to leave it's source and be projected into your mind. Puts a particularly weird twist in when trying to contemplate the now.

Just because it has not already been discovered doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Thanks for the new word. I hadn't heard animism before.
we have venomous spiders here,false widows being one of them,a women got bitten on the hand by one,she nearly had to have her hand amputated.and we have adders here too,
but i kinda see what your saying tho,we dont have the vast amount of dangerous snakes and spiders like they do in other countries luckily.

Well if i found an Adder in my grow room, i would be like...

I dunno, as much as i like her, im going to have to set her free. She will die in there otherwise because she cannot escape. The negative pressure alone will keep her in there, plus i have duct taped the vent holes where my cables and pipe comes in now.

Besides, she has taught me a lesson. She looked up at me with those multiple creepy-ass eyes and said "if my big ass can get in here, imagine what else can".

So i shall attempt to capture her and she can live outside the tent.
Tried to find her, she has gone. I found out where she got in though. My pull cord on the roof of my tent where the 5" duct goes through wasnt pulled tight and there was a web across it. Probably went exploring and got sucked in. So thanks Mrs. Spider, you helped me find my leak =)
I encourage spiders in my garden. Truthfully, I can't really keep them out, as I grow in a greenhouse which has a certain degree of porosity for insects. This is actually good, as it keeps a living balance of predator and prey, and prevents any infestation, which is just a dinner bell for the predators. I like to bring in praying mantis and spiders I find about the outside garden. A population of toads and bats about the grounds does backup duty as well. I know, it sounds like Hagrid's grow op... but spiders and such critters evolved to eat pests!

I spray (neem + bronners peppermint + hot pepper extract), during veg, but after a week or two into flower I just do spot treatments and remove bugs manually. If a plant seems to be ailing, I move it outside, which compared to the greenhouse is like a wild jungle; those soft city bugs don't last more than a week out there... Once on my indoor grow I had a run that got attacked by mites; one plant got really bad, so I removed it from the grow and put it outside as a write off. I figured I could control the mites in the limited space of my garden... nope; I couldn't keep ahead of them. I probably could have used a heavy chemical spray, but I smoke my own grow, so I ended up cutting down the indoor garden. The plant outside, which I didn't do I thing to, finished out like a champ and had better yield from being left to go outside.
I think cannabineer misunderstood. It falls more in line with physics. Generally speaking everything in the universe is energy. Some we have developed tools to measure and potentially an infinite number we have not yet discovered a way, some of which we may in the future. Applying that way of thinking with cause and effect you potentially have a scenario in which the vibrational energy of something or some action will have an effect on other energies i.e. your plants. Your plants remember also fall into the everything is vibrating energy as well. Another energy example, your eyes don't see a physical world they are designed to absorb a particular collection of light energy frequencies and transmit that data into your brain where it is categorized and assembled into an image in your mind that you associate as the physical world. To scatter that up a little more the world you do see is a world of the past as the same with the light taking 8 min to reach earth from the sun so also does the light being analyzed by your eyes have a delay from the time it takes to leave it's source and be projected into your mind. Puts a particularly weird twist in when trying to contemplate the now.

Just because it has not already been discovered doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Thanks for the new word. I hadn't heard animism before.

One of the most intelligent things I've seen posted on this site.

So many people saying kill this living thing, while at the same time trying to benefit from the growing of another living thing..I think some people need a slight change in perspective.
Still I'd remove it from the grow area, personally speaking.

@alshli Slightly Off topic but I'd recommend watching this
Possibility of being a great advancement in the understanding of vibrations and energy.
Those hundreds of little babies eat........MITES lol all kinds of mites. Dust mites, dander mites under your mattress and soil born mites too!
I encourage spiders in my garden. Truthfully, I can't really keep them out, as I grow in a greenhouse which has a certain degree of porosity for insects. This is actually good, as it keeps a living balance of predator and prey, and prevents any infestation, which is just a dinner bell for the predators. I like to bring in praying mantis and spiders I find about the outside garden. A population of toads and bats about the grounds does backup duty as well. I know, it sounds like Hagrid's grow op... but spiders and such critters evolved to eat pests!

I spray (neem + bronners peppermint + hot pepper extract), during veg, but after a week or two into flower I just do spot treatments and remove bugs manually. If a plant seems to be ailing, I move it outside, which compared to the greenhouse is like a wild jungle; those soft city bugs don't last more than a week out there... Once on my indoor grow I had a run that got attacked by mites; one plant got really bad, so I removed it from the grow and put it outside as a write off. I figured I could control the mites in the limited space of my garden... nope; I couldn't keep ahead of them. I probably could have used a heavy chemical spray, but I smoke my own grow, so I ended up cutting down the indoor garden. The plant outside, which I didn't do I thing to, finished out like a champ and had better yield from being left to go outside.
If you've got the dreaded two-spotted spider mite indoors during flower, you're screwed. I know people who use hot shot no pest strips, but I'm pretty sure the active ingredient in the vapor ends up in the buds somehow. (They work great in veg.)
All you can really do is keep their population in check until it's time to harvest. I know people who swear by Mighty Wash. It's some type of 'polarized' water that kiills mites but doesn't affect the buds. It doesn't kill eggs, so you've got to spray every 5 days, minimum. It ain't cheap and should be used full strength right from the bottle.
Soil is the Earth. The Earth is full of war zones. If you grow organic, look at the soil with a microscope, lots of things killing other things. Eat or be eaten. It is a cruel world, this is why god gave us cannabis - to cope.
I always keep spiders alive if I see them in my house or near the grow.. They kill flying insects that can carry some nasty diseases. In the tent they are predators so hopefully they keep any bug issues in check. Also they tend to freak girls out so they want to leave its really a beautiful thing