Big Devil Autoflower Outdoor Grow


Active Member
Long time no see.. :-)

I have not used the forum since last years grow, but just wanted to inform you i am starting a new grow of 3 big devils. Let's see if i can increase the quality from last year!


Active Member
Weird, the plants are three weeks old but going kinda slow i think.. Do seeds have a short shelflife?


Active Member
Damn, not going too great. 1 of three plants got eaten by the cat. Now the remaining two are showing yellowing (inner part leaf, not tips). No idea what that means.. The soil is fresh.. Enough water, and sun?


Active Member
The weather has not been very nice here, for a while. That means that my plants are slowish.. Would that mean less yield?


Active Member
My 2 remaining Big Devil plants have been growing normally over the last couple of weeks but because the weather was very very bad, the formation of calyxis is pretty small. I get a *lot* of leaves everywhere and the buds are forming in all nodes pretty much but are small and the trichomes are also not overly represented..
I think the weather has severely influenced the forming of calyxis, giving preference to leaf formation?
Anyway, i got some pix..


I guess this year is not a good year. Next year i am picking a strain with less leaves....

By the way.. There is also quite some lice on the plants.. g$@%^!


Well-Known Member
Such a healthy looking plant. Bummer about the yield, tho. I've had autos where the leave to bud ratio was horrible. You should still get a little smoke, tho. cheers.


Active Member
I just chopped em, trimmed em and hang em. :-)

As a sort of test case, i left two of the lowest branches on the main stalk. I want to see what happens.


Have 2 Big Devils #2 about a week to go. Outdoor in 3 gal pots. Think I'll be lucky to pull off a half ounce total...

I'll update you, if you update me on yield in this thread haha