Big time keef(trichs) stealing pics


Well-Known Member
taking the Thc like that is grimmy. Its like buying a porche and getting a honda engine under the hood. Looks nice but doesnt perform nice.


Well-Known Member
nothin like taking away from the quality that other people deserve.................
wouldn't be so bad if it was personal smoke.

glad i don't deal with these kind of people.


Well-Known Member
so your sayin your a "big timer"????? lol last i knew "big timers" didn't need to steal.... period.
sounds like a "small time" move to me.....

and...... i don't have to buy a lb to get free keif.... i grow my own sh!t.

do what you want to do, if your customers come back, then that's on them, it's just this is a community of growers/smokers.... people who grow for the enjoyment of bringing GOOD smoke to there friends and house hold. if they/i say that this is bogus... it's prolly cuz it is...the golden rule is the most important rule in life.


Well-Known Member
ok man, so if i would of said that it was my own people would of liked to see the amount of keef you can get without having to do much. it really wasnt the point of rippin peeps off, it was to show the amount of keef you can get with little work. and honestly this thread has been very slow for the last month so ill be writing some shit to try and get little guys like you fired up and writing back..thanks man:joint::mrgreen::joint::mrgreen::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
um...... the thread is titled "big time keef(trichs) stealing pics"

and, i'm not pissed at you, i don't know you. i just think your shady.


Well-Known Member
yea man but i didnt mean stealing as in stealing from every pot smoker. i meant stealing as in stealin keef from weed, it takes weight away from the bud so i aint chargin for blank weight. and keef is some really good smoke but theres still keef laiced in and out of weed. whatcha got?


Well-Known Member
i got lowryder #2.


this is my last post here.......


glad you didn't enter my contest.....


you are not able to.

have fun with your red rock opium dumb ass.


Well-Known Member
(Customer): Yo, dis bud looks slightly less covered in thc crystals than I had anticipated, I want my money back....

Most people buying weed would never see, feel, or know the difference.


Well-Known Member
haha i cannot believe this shit is still going on.........



Well-Known Member
specially in the North East i hear it's flooded up there with dope i'm sure there's other options........


Well-Known Member
dubbu.. i love hearin these little dudes get all pissed. its been a while since we had some little bitches cryin on here:hump:, but yea man the northeast is more flooded then ever with pot man, usually theres a month or two in the winter were its hard to get good bud but not this year, theres headies flowin around everywhere, ive smoked some c-99,sugar blossom,apollo, and blue berry, theres other types of good bud ive smoked too but the strands im not sure on. peace dubbuh


Well-Known Member
dubbu.. i love hearin these little dudes get all pissed. its been a while since we had some little bitches cryin on here:hump:, but yea man the northeast is more flooded then ever with pot man, usually theres a month or two in the winter were its hard to get good bud but not this year, theres headies flowin around everywhere, ive smoked some c-99,sugar blossom,apollo, and blue berry, theres other types of good bud ive smoked too but the strands im not sure on. peace dubbuh
ha yeah i forgot that ya like hearin them bitch

but hell yeah bout the bud in the NE.....on of my best buds moved back out to Boston a couple years ago....guess thats were he grew up when he was a little kid......anyways...... yeah he tells me about the great bud out there all the time and how it's always out there.....specificly he's always talkin bout choclate bud but names off some other shit thats out there too....... and he says it's cheap too, think he said he gets quads for 90, 50 an 8er though.......not out here 8er's of dank are 60, g's are 20, unless your guy is your friend.......and if it's some super good shit like blue berry or c-99 or others ur talkin bout.....unless you got a good hook up.....that shit goes for bout 70-75 an 8er....25 a g.........this is the midwest btw

but yeah it sounds like the green flows good up there.........


Well-Known Member
ha yeah i forgot that ya like hearin them bitch

but hell yeah bout the bud in the NE.....on of my best buds moved back out to Boston a couple years ago....guess thats were he grew up when he was a little kid......anyways...... yeah he tells me about the great bud out there all the time and how it's always out there.....specificly he's always talkin bout choclate bud but names off some other shit thats out there too....... and he says it's cheap too, think he said he gets quads for 90, 50 an 8er though.......not out here 8er's of dank are 60, g's are 20, unless your guy is your friend.......and if it's some super good shit like blue berry or c-99 or others ur talkin bout.....unless you got a good hook up.....that shit goes for bout 70-75 an 8er....25 a g.........this is the midwest btw

but yeah it sounds like the green flows good up there.........

And also the NE Canada is crazzy (acctually all of Canada)... But prices are always cheap... $180 oz max..


Well-Known Member
wow thats crazy, to get good bud like c-99 or blueberry your lookin at 50-60 1/8th, and a zip for around 300-370. but we get beaster nugz for like 180 a zip. and midgrades without seeds for 130ish, well thats what i was payin when i was slangin that this past summer. :joint::mrgreen:

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Im from the NE US and bud is always available, you just have to know where to find it. Usually prices don't change dramatically if it is low mids, mids w/o seeds, upper mids, etc. I usually pay 150 an o but i've heard of others paying 100 and yet ive heard of others paying 200 for the same kinda crap. It usually has to be REALLY good stuff or a known good strain to have a big increase in the price. But it is hard to find, at least for me, someone who can get good strains and not just unknown crap. People need to stop growing all this bagseed !


Well-Known Member
i know right, no more bag seed. dude you gotta just start a new trend in your area of growin and sellin clones of good bud. thats what happened in my town and a couple nearbye towns. we can get a wide variety of clone strands, but you gotta give the cloners a couple of weeks to come through. but they always do.