Big time keef(trichs) stealing pics


Well-Known Member
ha yeah, as long as ur not standin on the corner everyday, ur usually alright. always gotta watch out for people who introduce you to someone new, i dunno how it is out there, but i've had buddies get pinched for slangin an ounce to an undercover, even, and both times they were set up by a good friend, that got piched with some coke and then eventually set them up.

you gotta be careful though, cuz shit just happends. i got pinched completely outta the blue one day when i was in highschool, thats when i use to slang, i was at a buddies house, playing some hoops in front of his house, and all of a sudden a cop came up to me asking me questions about shooting a BB gun, i guess there was a kid goin around the neigborhood with a bb gun shooting mail boxes, with a cubs jersey on, i that day was also wearing a cubs jersey, and i was like no man u got the wrong guy and shit. and he ran my name, and i had a warant for a a stupid missed underage drinking ticket courtdate, which i was outta town for, and i told my lawyer to reschedule it and he said he did. well he didnt. and i had a warrant, and a ounce in pocket, and a qp and 600 dollars in cash in the car, which they searched after i was arrested, also a digi scale in there, was just because i just picked it up before that and stopped at my buddies house after to shoot some hoops like we did every day after school at 4:30. but i usually never had shit like that on me, i'd get it and bring it straight to the house. but yeah that was a big mess, luckily i was underage still and got out of it pretty decently, my parents had to pay a few thousand dollars for me in fines and court costs, and i had piss tests and underage drug classes for like once a week for 6 months. was bull shit.

yeah and they seized my 600 bucks, they coulda seized my car but they said they did'nt want it. how fuckin bogus. was a 91 ford tempo. fuckin classic. pigs.


Well-Known Member
wow thats crazy take the tempo and give me back my money and pot.
whatcha gonna do man, yea ive almost got busted my dea, i lived in florida when i went to college and some kids i went to school with lived in my apt. complex, lets just say everyone at our school was from around the u.s. so we didnt have alot of hookups, this kid found a hook up and his house had non stop traffic in and out, one day i was looking out my window and seen some younger duded out on this sidewalk beside there building. a dea agent was inside there apt. undercover(they new about it at this point) so this guy looked like a regular dude and the kids i knew were sellin like they usually did but when the person who just bought pot left they would radio in to the dea agents outside and they were takling kids one after an other. it was fuckin crazy, but the dea let my buddys go after they ratted out all these people. but they didnt stay in florida they went back to were they were from because they were as good as dead. crazy shit man


Well-Known Member
hey how long ago was this? that story sounds awfully familiar, one of my buddies said his brother got into some shit in flordia when they were both livin down there, it was between 2 and 3 years go right around summer 2005 i think is when they first moved out there. his bro got caught up for some X though, and harboring a felon, did sound like he narced though just never flat out said it.

yeah i can imagine dea is tough down there, thats were all the hard shits comin in at, all they gotta do is bust some of these small fish with there strict laws, and they'll lead them to the guy thats a step above them, and so on.


Well-Known Member
dude you bein scarcastic? ive seen your grows, crazy shit man. but i did have a huge outdoor 12-14 footer and it got jacked man, by a "freind"
this is the first year ive grown indoors. they look good in the pics but they aint big like my outdoors have produced:?, watcha gonna do. thanks though fdd

i knew i liked you before i saw this thread. then i saw this thread. i hate pit bulls but i still knew there was some reason i liked you. big jethro hill-billys scare me (just playin') but i knew i liked you. so i went and looked at your indoor grow thread. ah, that's it, you grow nice plants. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

i try not to be sarcastic. it doesn't go over well online. but i will be a wise ass. :hug::weed:


Well-Known Member
maybe that 12-14 ft plant got jacked because you jack keif all the time. karma is a bitch but i bet that keif is nice. late


Well-Known Member
Do you live inside a bubble?

I honestly could careless what you believe, I have nothing to gain by lying.....If you ever want to meet up and get a dose of reality, Come to CT...It's not that far from you.

The bud was not the intended target of the robbery. My friend was selling Zanax bars and got caught up, the bud was just a bonus.
And you must not be too bright if you cant feel what I'm saying.

Check yourself before attempting to flame, your grammar skills are that of a twelve year old...and you claim you are big and bad, and that you are untouchable....keep telling yourself that fool. You'll either be dead or in prison soon enough.
wow this guys mad. yea dude ill just meet up with your narc ass, sounds like a plan. ok zip tie man keep talkin, sorry about my typing skills or grammar,they aint up to par. my bad im not 50 so i dont type good. sorry man is that what this is about? i wana hear some zip tie stories, think one up for me. lmao:hump:


Well-Known Member
maybe that 12-14 ft plant got jacked because you jack keif all the time. karma is a bitch but i bet that keif is nice. late
dude thats life thats why im different about weed now, fuck it. and like ive said i only do it to beasters because they suck anyway, no taiste. can never tell anything happened. :hump:sorry to offend some of ya:hump:lmao


Well-Known Member
i knew i liked you before i saw this thread. then i saw this thread. i hate pit bulls but i still knew there was some reason i liked you. big jethro hill-billys scare me (just playin') but i knew i liked you. so i went and looked at your indoor grow thread. ah, that's it, you grow nice plants. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

i try not to be sarcastic. it doesn't go over well online. but i will be a wise ass. :hug::weed:
yea dude i didnt think you would have seen my grow, thats why i asked about you bein sarcastic. thats how i am, thats why i asked. sarcastic basically is wise ass, gotta love it, and god i got some pussies pissed off in here been sarcastic. crazy stuff, alot mad rollituppers lately. maybee that will change, if not im still here. peace FDD


Well-Known Member
No one is mad,You claim you are a bad ass...trich snatching dope dealer....However I have a feeling that you really are not that tough.
You got that E-peen stroking E-thug thing going on, so you must be a little bitch.

You claim that you are not that young and you are age 50, But I seen 13 year olds that blow the doors off you.

You probably type like you talk.
You can tell a lot about a person about a person by the way they type on a forum.

You most likely have a collection of piss bottles in your bedroom because you are too lazy to hit the bathroom at night.
wow man alot of hate, hey feel that way. i never acted tough, you and your pussy friends that were all mad about this got mad and was just havin some fun provoking, and i never said i was 50 man im 25 years old i never wrote that anywhere. ok PHYSCO:hump: keep doin your personal evaluations your right on man. good job, and thats a sick name starts with PHYSCO:hump:. WOW I TAKE WHAT YOU TAKE REAL SERIOUS..HAHAHAHAHA THIS IS FUN


Well-Known Member
first off yall. nobody is or should be mad. and second, who gives a shit if someone typing on here is a badass or a bitch. does it matter? i think not. this was a thread about stealing keif. just stick your opinion out there and leave it at that. its mildly entertaining, but we are here to share info and grow some great herbs. late


Well-Known Member
first off yall. nobody is or should be mad. and second, who gives a shit if someone typing on here is a badass or a bitch. does it matter? i think not. this was a thread about stealing keif. just stick your opinion out there and leave it at that. its mildly entertaining, but we are here to share info and grow some great herbs. late

exactly man


Well-Known Member
:joint:wow fdd's serious now.. funny shit man, i got white boy rednecks on call..
have a good on e fdd im out for the day, goin to the bars for football.
GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!:joint: