Big time keef(trichs) stealing pics


Well-Known Member
This is the lamest thread I have ever seen. I know I won't be missed here, but I would still like to inform everyone that I am forever signing off. This forum will not last long. It is full of hostile people (like myself) and absolute complete fucking morons like daveg.

I wish the best of luck to the admin's and mod's.

daveg, you are a waste of space and I hope you go to jail for being such a scummy loser.

everyone else,
stay safe and happy, good luck with your ganga!


Well-Known Member
daveg, i dont think you are seriously planning on "reading" anything anytime soon, you are planning on getting rid* of the pound.

oh yeah, i live in the northeast and if you were to ever try and sell me screened nugs, i would laugh in your face, then most likely break your jaw or have my buddies kick you in the ribs until you couldnt breathe.

ok, im gone for real this time! byebye


Well-Known Member
dude by the time i posted that thread the bids were sold.. it aint hard man, cheap nugs people love:mrgreen:, now get the fuhh off here:twisted:


Well-Known Member
STRING HIM UP,,,,,,,,,,BURN THE WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its so hard to find an honest criminal these days.............................:peace:.................................


Well-Known Member
damn, i'm jeliuos, you want to send some of that my way?

and no, you're not hurting that pound of bud, cause you're only getting the keef on the outside of the buds, you break them open and there's plenty more where that came from!

damn i'm jealoius, only another month and a half and i'll have my own brand of bud! cant wait
still i am glad i dont get weed from you.

pot snob here i just wouldnt do that to people its wrong but i know the kind of people that do


New Member
yea man my bad to say that.. ill just take shit from all you pussys who get ripped off by the ones higher on the chain:hump: again..MY BAD:twisted:

anyway man it dont matter what i say it dont matter what you say where on the fuckin internet... i relized that everyones "hard" on here and i just try to get you little timers mad... i basically did this thread for all the "hard" rollituppers to post on.... and you haters never stop comin..this thread can never die.....:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:
ROFL... big time huh?

STFU!!! your small time still livin a bugs life.

I don't even know why you posted this thread.. at least don't throw out the fact that your actually robbing people for their crystals, that's something a crack head would do :hump:

Just cause your dealer does that that to you doesn't mean you can finish robbing ALL the damn crystals. Fucknose.

This is probably you in this pic (watch him deny it)

I'm not the smartest man in the world, from that pic, it looks your some short ass, skinny ass, carrot top looking mofo LOL... i thought you and your buddys were the "biggest" people in town? :?

cant want till you get served!! mark my words.


Well-Known Member
ok, what % of outer crystal falls off in trimming? if you r going to do this, it is better right after manicuring, and b4 cureing. it is a cleaner version of it, less plant material falls in. and you r only knocking off shat woulda fell off naturally. when we use to trim, we did it over glass, working with a screen between our work and glass. we would rub all trimming across screen b4 it went into hashoil pile. what fell off the buds as we worked was a bonus.

i will agree, what he shook off, if you tasted it b4, and after, you wouldnt till the diff. the crystal in all thru the bud, center stem and all. thats why we save trimmings for hashes.

leave the guy alone. i wouldnt do it to a bought/dryed puond, but i dont it in my own way, and i know a few growers who have done worse.


Well-Known Member
check this out me and my buddy that did this actually have a video on youtube that we did a few years ago called how to roll a blunt demo. its all bud we grew, we'll we had a third party that did the filming but check it out. we show no faces but you can tell its the same dude. kinda goofy but good weed. and he does say alot of bullshit in it about where he lives but its funny. where tru new englanders born and raised.
if you watch it to the end it shows the bottom of hos face while hes doin his little smoke tricks and you can see its the same dude. for you non believers

cool..... first time ive seen someone do it like that...
You should definately use a silk screen to sift out all the plant material. What you have isn't the purest kief. Run it through the silk screen and you will have some high quality shit.