Bill Maher shytes on Obamacare...again.

in other words, you are too much of a coward to answer a simple question. that goes well with your massive sexual insecurity and bitter racism.

has anyone you've met ever called you smart in your entire life?

nitro, do you really think that you are a genius, or that others on this forum regard you as such?


I don't think so, but you asked if other people have ever called me smart in my entire life. And I answered. What have you done with your self other than grow weed and hope for an inheritance?
He just copy/pastes your posts into a spell check. He doesn't even have to read them. Do you really believe an unemployable drunken sot who shits himself in public is even semi-capable?

zomg! Red, you have me pegged to a T. That is exactly what I do!! And that is exactly what I am!! zomg! You are so smart and amazing!!

I don't ever want to get on your bad side... in fear that you might call me a poopy face, or burn my house down.
Poopy pants, And what year? If you come up with that I might believe you. TRUMP!

it was easy to tie back to the whole inheriting a boat from your daddy thing. but nice attempt at getting me to doxx you.

guess you're not a smart fucker. which is partly why you're so racist.