Bill Maher shytes on Obamacare...again.


The letter I got from the state said it no longer will offer the OMIP program because of Obamacare was taking over. His name is on it so its a no brainer who's fault it was. Well him and the whole democratic party.

I can see how you would be disgruntled. Ever consider moving?
no you didn't. you cited the cherrypicked work of 3 people with unknown credentials.

i have cited the work of multiple independent agencies whose work has been the standard measuring tool for decades.

you bleat partisan hack talking points and then shelter yourself in the blue states that you hate so much.

you are slightly smarter than a fish and your wife weighs 400 pounds.


Can you show me a study without the free shit tainting the real cost to people that don't get free shit? Your studies show free shit mixed in with the real cost. So your examples of costs are cherry picked with the free shit just like i figured it was.

Can you show me a study without the free shit tainting the real cost to people that don't get free shit? Your studies show free shit mixed in with the real cost. So your examples of costs are cherry picked with the free shit just like i figured it was.

When you say "free shit" are you referring to subsidies?

I just moved to Hawaii four months ago. And I am getting ready to go back to oregon soon to help get the boat ready for shrimping, so I go back and forth.

So you go from a hippy pot state to the birthplace of President Obama, and you claim you aren't a progressive? Paying homage?

Free shit and or subsidies that correct.

Then what you are doing is distorting the facts in order to validate your argument. And that's not how it works. I know you want it to work that way, but no.

Subsidies are part of the Act. Like tires are to a car.

Can you show me a study without the free shit tainting the real cost to people that don't get free shit? Your studies show free shit mixed in with the real cost. So your examples of costs are cherry picked with the free shit just like i figured it was.

hmmm, four uses of the word 'free shit' in three sentences.

bill o'reilly is proud of you, dumb dumb.
Then what you are doing is distorting the facts in order to validate your argument. And that's not how it works. I know you want it to work that way, but no.

Subsidies are part of the Act. Like tires are to a car.


When I get a letter and my friends get a letter and there friends get a letter about there health care going up 20% And then I find a study that backs up the letters and they all say 20% increases. How is that distorting the facts? I could post the letter again if you like. And these people I speak of do not get subsidies just incase you are wondering.
So you go from a hippy pot state to the birthplace of President Obama, and you claim you aren't a progressive? Paying homage?

he likes liberal, progressive paradises rather than the regressive conservative shitholes he wants to turn america into.
When I get a letter and my friends get a letter and there friends get a letter about there health care going up 20% And then I find a study that backs up the letters and they all say 20% increases.

premiums went up about 3-4% instead of the 7-9% that they were rising at before obamacare.

to most people, this is good news. to you, it is a leftist conspiracy.

you are an illiterate bitter bigot married to a 400 pound whale.
the numbers i'm citing are actually just the industry standard that has been used for decades.


There is one big problem with your industry standard thats been used for decades. And that is the fact that the free shit and subsidies are only one year old. So it is politically tainted.

Grubers got you all fucked up. Keep believing that shit and 2016 will be a cake walk.


I never have understood why you continue to try and have a meaningful discussion with this idiot.

He's either never read the ACA or has chosen to ignore pertinent facts. Nearly 50% of working Americans pay no federal income tax. These are the same people who qualify for the ACA subsidy; and more importantly, really like the law! Qualification for a subsidy, is a function of not only your income, but how many rug rats you squirt out and can't afford. If the "short bus" rider has read the law, he could tell you all about it.

The majority of people with gold and platinum plans had the cost of their plans go up; in 2015 the cap on the increase is a function of income; the percentage is what is limited by the ACA; it's not a cap on the magnitude of the increase. If the "short bus" rider has bothered to read the plan he could tell you all about it.

It's the "redistribution" part clearly spelled out in the ACA. Somebody has to pay for those that can't ... it's just a fact; the ACA is predicated on "redistribution".

The ACA is about access, not cost.

If the "short bus" rider was truthful, he would also mention all the other taxes the upper middle class will have to support in order to pay for those that can't. But of course he won't.

The bottom line is that, the "short bus" rider can yap all he wants about the meaningless magnitude increase in the ave cost of premiums, but he knows full well that this single metric alone doesn't tell the whole story ....... and more importantly, he lies!

Hope you're enjoying yourself in Hawaii.