Bill Maher shytes on Obamacare...again.

Words. You're just stringing together words.

One is Payment.

One is Care

Perhaps it suits you to sorta ball up these concepts and throw them out there amongst your friends who all speak the same hateful language. In the real world, however, your merging of these concepts is factually very incorrect.


You mention one is payment and one is care. You forgot about the free shit again.
Keeps Fox in business... and viewership


Is Fox that big of a deal? There are how many news channels to watch? Can't you find one that you like? because I could care less what channel you want to watch really. So Fox is right leaning so what. Can't you find a left leaning channel thats worth a shit?
^^^ Ignore me, please ^^^

There's a button you can press that will remove me from your reading landscape.

Is Fox that big of a deal? There are how many news channels to watch? Can't you find one that you like? because I could care less what channel you want to watch really. So Fox is right leaning so what. Can't you find a left leaning channel thats worth a shit?
when I think of FOX ...I remember Egypt
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Is Fox that big of a deal? There are how many news channels to watch? Can't you find one that you like? because I could care less what channel you want to watch really. So Fox is right leaning so what. Can't you find a left leaning channel thats worth a shit?
No one here cares less what you care less about.
Sure enough Fox is popular among... some folk..

The rest of us, and the great majority of the international community see Fox as the pandering misinformation machine it is. Corporately serving, they throw in guns, boobs and war to attract their clientele.
FOX makes you
Sure enough Fox is popular among... some folk..

The rest of us, and the great majority of the international community see Fox as the pandering misinformation machine it is. Corporately serving, they throw in guns, boobs and war to attract their clientele.


Well support your own channel some how so they can make something of there selves. I don't know what news channel you like to watch but most the the left leaning channels were pumping misinformation BS from Susan Rice to the whole nation and the only channel that called a spade a spade was fox. Its no wonder they dominate the viewers.