Bitch ass neighbors

I'm not going to go back and revisit that photo but it looked like she was up on a deck and would be able to see over any fence. Can someone go back a few pages, look at that picture again, and double check? :mrgreen:
Forget about the boozehound next door. Does anyone have the cranial capacity to consider the fallout from strangers knowing you have a plant in the back yard? And the fallout that could have on your family's safety? Ive known thieves that would love that plant but they'd be even more curious what you have inside the house. Western Colorado is crawling with methheads that rob people at gunpoint for their plants and sometimes things get far more sinister than that. They may only get a $5 hit for that unfinished bud but to them thats a days accomplishment. Growing a plant in backyard suburbia is just stupid and even more so when everyone already knows youre doing it. I sure hope Karens atleast sober enough to call the social workers if she sees someone getting robbed over a plant of all things
Forget about the boozehound next door. Does anyone have the cranial capacity to consider the fallout from strangers knowing you have a plant in the back yard? And the fallout that could have on your family's safety? Ive known thieves that would love that plant but they'd be even more curious what you have inside the house. Western Colorado is crawling with methheads that rob people at gunpoint for their plants and sometimes things get far more sinister than that. They may only get a $5 hit for that unfinished bud but to them thats a days accomplishment. Growing a plant in backyard suburbia is just stupid and even more so when everyone already knows youre doing it. I sure hope Karens atleast sober enough to call the social workers if she sees someone getting robbed over a plant of all things

Maybe where the OP is but there's nothing stupid about growing plants in the backyard if you live in a legal state. There are plenty of meth heads here in Portland Oregon. I haven't heard of a single instance of anyone being robbed at gunpoint for a few plants in their backyard. There have been dispensaries robbed. I'm sure there are people that have had their plants stolen but not at gunpoint.
You're right fight with them and live in anxiety not being able to grow or enjoy your own house. A drunks a drunk but they still remember the person who gives them booze
Some people enjoy conflict some don't. Personally I've had shitty neighbours and I know how it feels to deal with it. There is no real solution other than move. If you have the capacity to fight and argue with someone then all the power to you. I have way better things to do/think about
Who said fight with them ? I wouldn't engage with them. Period. At all. And I'd try my best to make sure my kids were following all noise ordinances so she can't complain about shit. But she'll find something. People like that always do.

A drunks a drunk but they still remember the person who gives them booze
You havent dealt with many alcoholics have you? You think a little free booze is going to sway her? Alcoholics are some of the best liars, cheats, and manipulators out there. She'll only lean on him more once she realizes what a mark he is.
If you have the capacity to fight and argue with someone then all the power to you. I have way better things to do/think about
Once again, I never said fight with them. I'd rather spend my money on my own kids then enable the drunk next door so I can grow one plant outdoors. Fuck rewarding scumbags. Which she is.
Who said fight with them ? I wouldn't engage with them. Period. At all. And I'd try my best to make sure my kids were following all noise ordinances so she can't complain about shit. But she'll find something. People like that always do.

You havent dealt with many alcoholics have you? You think a little free booze is going to sway her? Alcoholics are some of the best liars, cheats, and manipulators out there. She'll only lean on him more once she realizes what a mark he is.

Once again, I never said fight with them. I'd rather spend my money on my own kids then enable the drunk next door so I can grow one plant outdoors. Fuck rewarding scumbags. Which she is.
Ya I get what you're saying. I have dealt with drunks... I work in construction. Lmao. My neighbour was a drunk. I'd find him laying in my driveway drunk as a skunk trying to fight me saying I'm 'the white man' ... He was native. But I bought him booze when the LCBO banned him otherwise he'd be even more of a tool. I suppose every situation is different. By fighting them I mean having conflict with them. I'm more of a hippie at heart peace and love man. I'd rather be the bigger person and kill them with kindness. I suppose that's the diff between Canada and USA. In the states people feel entitled they think only about themselves and don't see the bigger picture. Where as in Canada I feel people are more kind and willing to work with each other. Man you don't know her story. Maybe she had a troubled childhood that lead her to drink her sorrows away. No excuse to be a twat showing cunt, but it's always good to see all sides of a situation and instead of acting a foo actually try to solve the issue. You say you don't want to bow down but you're willing to tell your kids that they can't be kids because you're fighting with the neighbour. I dunno man. I have so many other things I could be doing rather than battling with neighbours.
When we moved into this house one neighbour was a crack/meth/heroin junkie hooker and the other side was her crack/meth/heroin dealer. I was always nice to them. Hi good morning etc. I caught her on cam stashing drugs on my property. Brought them to her mom (yep she lived with her mom still) and told her to stay the fuck off our property I have cameras all over and I dont want to call the cops but I will if I have to. After that I caught her trying to steal Amazon pkgs off our porch. Printed the pics and gave them to her mom again said final warning. She got the point after the printed pics. They both were evicted the house sold and now I have awsome neighbors on one side and semi normal ones on the other. If I were to have started something with either side I could have had some major problems dealing with angry junkies. Patience is a virtue. Junkies are 100x worse than any drunk.
Ya I get what you're saying. I have dealt with drunks... I work in construction. Lmao. My neighbour was a drunk. I'd find him laying in my driveway drunk as a skunk trying to fight me saying I'm 'the white man' ... He was native. But I bought him booze when the LCBO banned him otherwise he'd be even more of a tool. I suppose every situation is different. By fighting them I mean having conflict with them. I'm more of a hippie at heart peace and love man. I'd rather be the bigger person and kill them with kindness. I suppose that's the diff between Canada and USA. In the states people feel entitled they think only about themselves and don't see the bigger picture. Where as in Canada I feel people are more kind and willing to work with each other. Man you don't know her story. Maybe she had a troubled childhood that lead her to drink her sorrows away. No excuse to be a twat showing cunt, but it's always good to see all sides of a situation and instead of acting a foo actually try to solve the issue. You say you don't want to bow down but you're willing to tell your kids that they can't be kids because you're fighting with the neighbour. I dunno man. I have so many other things I could be doing rather than battling with neighbours.
Dude, it has nothing to do with Canada vs USA FFS. It's called not wanting to be fucking extorted by a drunk neighbor. Good on you for understanding everyone has problems, I get it. That shouldn't give ppl the green light to act like assholes. Fuck her, it's already been said, but she's outside with her goddamn snatch out in front of kids. How trust worthy do you think she is? Or stable? Not even worth trying to befriend.
Jesus, she doesn't look like a pleasant woman. It's too bad people are so starved of peace that it's like a fucking ape war all the damn time. I hope things turn out well for you.
Dude, it has nothing to do with Canada vs USA FFS. It's called not wanting to be fucking extorted by a drunk neighbor. Good on you for understanding everyone has problems, I get it. That shouldn't give ppl the green light to act like assholes. Fuck her, it's already been said, but she's outside with her goddamn snatch out in front of kids. How trust worthy do you think she is? Or stable? Not even worth trying to befriend.
I get your side. Trust me. I just try to handle situations differently. At the end of the day it's about how much effort it'll cost me. I feel as though neighbour battles consumes too much of my time such as this thread has. So I'd rather just agree to disagree and both be happy
Lmao I just realized she wasnt wearing pants at all. That's awsome. I though she had pjs on and her scabs were little bears or flowers on her PJs. Lmfao. I was looking and like wheres this puss shot everyone's talking about when I realized she had no pants on.
You havent dealt with many alcoholics have you? You think a little free booze is going to sway her? Alcoholics are some of the best liars, cheats, and manipulators out there. She'll only lean on him more once she realizes what a mark he is.
I made this mistake one time and I'll never ever do it again. It was a fifth of Allens and it did nothing but create a lingering leech. I dont know how many times this dude was told to fly the fuck outta here. When they're pickled they just dont remember and keep coming back.