Black and dark brown trichomes on this SSH I got


Well-Known Member
So I was over my friends house toking up this new bud I purchased when I decided to look at it under 100x microscope and thats when I noticed...BLACKNESS. Immediately I thought this cannot be good. A quick google search, although limited in threads(only found 2), said that it was due to dead trichomes?

I think they're trichs anyways. They're small and shiny and the size of the other amber/dark brown/milky/clear trichomes in the area. I mean there's crystals and red hairs all over. Some red hairs have black trichs at the end? With this amount of crystals and hairs it must have been deep in flower.

Anyone seen anything like this?


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert but my first assumption is it was harvested too late. Me and my parents always chopped at 30% still milky 60-70% amber/dark to be on the safe side.

I could be talking complete crap though.


Well-Known Member
Yes, to a certain extent. But growing up I was always worried about being taken away by social services if they got caught. They had plants in every room of the house and a very exposed yard. I wasn't even smoking that stuff when I was little, but I sure as hell was more paranoid than them XD


Well-Known Member
Lol...If I had to give it a percent i'd say 1% are black 5% dark brown and the rest milky and amber. Mostly amber.

What are those long things called that the trichomes are on top of? Sometimes they're clear like larvae and sometimes theyre amber, i hear people calling it a pistile? And is the white stuff thats not bubbles, is that trichomes too?

Sorry for the crude language...dunno what else to call it haha.


Well-Known Member
Ha... well I don't advocate doing it without stealth if you got little ones in the house, but still, must be cool now that you're older.


Well-Known Member
Lol...If I had to give it a percent i'd say 1% are black 5% dark brown and the rest milky and amber. Mostly amber.

What are those long things called that the trichomes are on top of? Sometimes they're clear like larvae and sometimes theyre amber, i hear people calling it a pistile? And is the white stuff thats not bubbles, is that trichomes too?

Sorry for the crude language...dunno what else to call it haha.
The long things are the 'stalk of a trichome, can be likened to the stem of an entire plant. The 'head' of the trichome is like a flower. The head contains the THC and other cannabinoid goodies and the stalk is made of stipe cells.

I think, lol I'm trying not to sound like a know-it-all, I'm a teenage girl X3


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....I was just wondering if anyone here has experienced it. Worried it might be contaminants. Although I did see a half dark amber/black trich.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure its trichs. They're shiney. This morning I saw one that was half black half amber. And they're usually at the tips. The long piece connecting them is milky and the top "ball" is black. Mostly all the other trichs are amber to dark brown. Very few are cloudy and practically none are clear.

Wouldn't bugs look more buggy? Like legs and shit?


Active Member
almost all plants that are harvested at the proper time will have some over matured trichs they contain more cbd an cbm than amber trichs


Active Member
The long things are the 'stalk of a trichome, can be likened to the stem of an entire plant. The 'head' of the trichome is like a flower. The head contains the THC and other cannabinoid goodies and the stalk is made of stipe cells.

I think, lol I'm trying not to sound like a know-it-all, I'm a teenage girl X3
girls growin pot. awesome lol


Well-Known Member
i think laced got it right personaly they are overmatured trichs from the sound of things.The older/mature they get the darker they become.So it would make sense.