Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bernie Sanders speech

Trump was on the news today and he said there was no way he would have let that happen. He said that he didnt know if he would be fighting or if someone else would be fighting but it would not happen.

Cant wait to see the first people to try to crash one of his rally's.
Trump was on the news today and he said there was no way he would have let that happen. He said that he didnt know if he would be fighting or if someone else would be fighting but it would not happen.

Cant wait to see the first people to try to crash one of his rally's.

why are you so obsessed with trump?

he is not an actual candidate for president.
You know what trump needs?

A few big ole black boys from the muslim brotherhood as bodyguards. Now that would be hilarious!!!
I thought the last guy was your "hope"

he was..he ushered this era in (along with #occupy) and put up with a lot of bullshit by being the first president of diversity.

now, for the change..

I will be donating 250 to home improvement projects for 3 months. I like my idea better.

to each his own..the fact that you have something close to your heart is your choice.

no one should be mocked on their choice of charity.

+schuylaar respect<3:clap:

Fuck that, I say. Sanders is many things, but he is not perfect, or close to perfect, or even anything other than a politician. In fact, Sanders and his plan to save blacks through redistributing wealth to narrow the wealth gap are deeply flawed, because the principle which serves as the scaffolding for his plan is deeply flawed. Sanders—like many other liberals of his race and age—believes that capitalism is inherently evil, and so that all evils can be ascribed to those of capitalism, and so in the idea that economic injustice is the root of all injustice.

Not entirely sure there is anything to discuss .