"Black lives matter"

Signs are cheap. Never had an encounter.
I've had solicitors walk right past my sign. Maybe I need more of them, but I was thinking along the lines of having a gate.
leo are known for infringing on citizens civil liberties and unlawfully detaining them. Know your rights or leo will steal them.


More Than 6,000 Black Men Beaten, Abused at Chicago Police Torture Site
New documents, revealed by the Guardian, show widespread abuse at a black site operated by the Chicago police. Some 7,351 people have been detained at the notorious facility, their voices silenced by fears of reprisal, over 6,000 of whom were African-American men.

Police at the secretive facility at Homan Square on the west side of the city used punches, knee strikes, elbow strikes, slaps, wrist twists, baton blows and repeated electrocution by taser on detained suspects.

Tortured detainees were not booked into police custody, existing outside the judicial system, and many were dropped off at various locations around the city without ever being charged.

The only time I ever had a problem with the police was when I was the problem.

I got pulled over several years back in my shitty van work truck for rolling thru a stop sign and then gunning it. After being pulled over, the cop came up past my tinted windows kinda worked up and I quickly and politely explained that I lived in the neighborhood and that I'd be more careful. Next thing you know he tells me to take care and walks away, no warning, nothing.

I hated to think it, but I did. I thought in that moment, it's good to be white. Except for getting out of the ticket, it was a horrible feeling (I did not revel in it). Letting me off wasn't fair. There was no way to explain it, race was my only guess.
I asked uncle buck a question. I didn't call him a name. Why do you feel so obliged to answer bucks questions.

Lol @ 'not name calling' like a pussy.

Because this is an open forum and I can do as I like.

A wee bit defensive there, aren't we?