"Black lives matter"

Why is it 'interesting' that bearkat would support someone who stands against racism and racist candidates? I fund it to be rather in keeping with his character, myself.

Which side of this are YOU on?
I don't know bear cat. America put a line in the sand and said don't cross it. They put rules in place for people that cross the line. The constitution and it's amendments were created to protect us from the future.
I don't know bear cat. America put a line in the sand and said don't cross it. They put rules in place for people that cross the line. The constitution and it's amendments were created to protect us from the future.

That's a very strange statement that doesn't fit any of the facts as I understand them to be.
That's a very strange statement that doesn't fit any of the facts as I understand them to be.

I think it means when a cop tells you what to do, you do it.
If he says "keep your hands where I can see them" you dont reach for your wallet or
he tells you to "freeze" you dont walk away.
What do you mean? You invite them into your house.

I live in reality; if I'd refused, they'd have been back that night with a warrant and would have thrown the book at me. When they came back to verify compliance with applicable ordinances, I had my lawyer with me and they couldn't leave fast enough.

Is that constitutional? Fuck no! There's nothing in there that gives them the right to outlaw a harmless plant in the first place! But here we are, and I played the game to get the desired outcome.

Tell me how you'd have handled it differently and gotten a better result? Here in the reality of Amerika in 2016, not in constitutional rights land.
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Signs are cheap. Never had an encounter.