Black Widow On My Buds


Well-Known Member
So I was checking out my ATF earlier and noticed some buds turning crispy and falling off upon touch. Realized it was from caterpillars and just started digging through it entirely, pulling over 25 caterpillars and worms out.

A couple hours later I decide to check it again. Found 2 more caterpillars. Kept checking down the plant and as I grab a bud and start going through it I notice a black spider chilling on it, then see the red hourglass on its butt..I flicked it off the plant and lost where it had landed.

Think the black widow will come back? Lol I never knew they got high too!


Well-Known Member
spiders i think are good for plants i got about 5 of them on my outdoor...they keep the real bugs about from eating my leaves and ruining my bud!


Well-Known Member
spiders i think are good for plants i got about 5 of them on my outdoor...they keep the real bugs about from eating my leaves and ruining my bud!
I agree. The caterpillars have the potential to cause a lot more trouble for you than spiders. As far as I'm concerned spiders are welcome on my plants. I guess the only real negative side is the possibity of bringing one into the house or getting bit while trimming.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man get as many spiders as u can lol...i got my plants on my back porch and i check on them alot..and i got quite a few spiders on my babies and there not hurting anything!


Well-Known Member

Yeah I like the spiders protecting my plants too but when its a spider that's lethal to humans, it makes feel a bit uneasy..

And I found 28 caterpillars on that plant today, so the Damn spiders aren't doin too much protecting. Thinking I'm going to go pick up some spray for the worms, any recommendations?

This plant had a daddy long leg spider on it and a white garden spider on it as well, which is typical throughout my garden...just got surprised by the black widow..


Well-Known Member
I never used it since I never had problems with caterpillars, but a friend of mine swears by Safer Caterpillar Killer. It actually contains a bacteria that is safe to humans, animals, and beneficial insects, but when caterpillars and other larvae eat leaves treated with it, it infects their digestive tract.


Active Member

Yeah I like the spiders protecting my plants too but when its a spider that's lethal to humans, it makes feel a bit uneasy..

And I found 28 caterpillars on that plant today, so the Damn spiders aren't doin too much protecting. Thinking I'm going to go pick up some spray for the worms, any recommendations?

This plant had a daddy long leg spider on it and a white garden spider on it as well, which is typical throughout my garden...just got surprised by the black widow..
I have a bit of background in entomology, so I'll tell you that black widows are pretty shy, they'll scrunch up in a ball inside a crevice or wherever they are and try playing dead before they ever to bite. Flicking it off the plant was a good idea, once something messes with them, they usually abandon shop and start somewhere else. And by somewhere else I don't mean TOO far, not trying to scare you, but obviously it was there because of an abundance of food :)
Also check your plant for an egg sac or two, the reason you found this one so easily is because this time of year is black widow mating season, they come out in force, so check any dark "somewhat hidden places" in your area.

Another place to DEFINITLEY CHECK, is under your pots, no I don't mean under under where they touch the ground, I mean check your pots, under the "lip of the pot" where you would normally put your fingertips to pick it up. This is one of the best and most common places for them to be in "the gardeners world".

A trick to finding them is if you see the web, its not a normal web, its made irregularly and at random, and usually will have some debris in it, dried up grass, leaves whatever. Anyways if you see a web like this, take a stick and poke at the web, if it seems "really strong for a spider web", its probably a widow.

A big problem now that we find in the US is these newer spiders called "brown widows" now, these ones aren't that new to the game, they've been here for a while already. They are in the same family as the black widow(latrodectus or something like that), build the same style of webs and hide in the same places. They look the same as a black widow and have an hourglass shape similar to the black widow, except the ass end of the brown widow is, brown. lol

In either case both spiders can be somewhat lethal to humans. A decent sized female black widow has venom 15 times more potent than a rattlesnake, but the spiders size and amount of venom is what stops it from being much worse than it could be. The same for the brown widow.

Regardless of how spiders are helpful, these 2 should be cautioned and taken care of properly when you find one. Theres plenty of other spiders that will do the same job but without the worry.

The first 2 pictures are of the brown widow, one of them shows the egg sacks, which are spikey. That last pic is a black widow with an egg sack.
Sorry for the long ass post I just typed, I smoked some nameless sativa strain a buddy gave me and now I'm in rant mode lmao



Well-Known Member
Wow, thank you meezy!

Definitely makes sense that its mating season, I've seen about 10 all around the outside of the house.

I assumed the black widow remained close, as I've been cautious in that area of garden..guess I gotta real look around though to make sure I don't have a ton of babies coming. They do indeed seem to be very shy, hopefully I don't come across a ballsy one in my buds though.

And yes I have seen them mostly inside of my empty pots laying in a corner of my yard and it dug up holes in my garden. Guess ill be getting good at killing them the next few weeks.


Active Member
Yeah man they seriously hide everywhere. tbh I found a brown widow today on my front porch. Know where it was? Right under the right arm rest on my fucking lawn chair, you know the spot right where your elbow goes? Yeah...


Well-Known Member
Dang, yeah surprisingly I still haven't come across this brown widow you speak of but I have a feeling I may see one soon.


Well-Known Member
Black Widows are most of the time not lethal. They will cause serious muscle contractions that are extremely painful, but usually this is abdominal. The only circumstance this is fatal is if the venom reaches your heart and makes it seriously contract too much. Even in this circumstance, most people with a healthy heart can get through it, so people with heart problems are usually the casualties. They're also kind of useless on plants, as they don't have much hunger - they're one to eat once a month or so, so it's not a very good trade. And if you saw a red mark on its butt, it may very well have not been a widow. Their marking is on the underside of their abdomen. Sorry if I've repeated anything, just my two pennies.

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
spiders are fuckin nasty.. if u want bugs to help your garden you should buy lady bugs and a grass hopper. the lady bugs will do work on other bugs and then leave while the grass hoper will chill with your girls until the end!


Active Member
ya a grasshopper, really? Smoke another bowl of crack dude! I suggest praying mantis! My buddy got an egg sack of these guys and put it in his garden. Most of them im sure didnt survive and others maybe got dead by the lights/fans or whatever. My point is that these guys will fuck up your larger bugs and stay as long as there is something to eat, even in outside gardens. I've used lady bugs before but after seeing the before and after of my friends garden, Ill use both beneficial bugs!