BlackHash's Mushroom Grow Journal


Active Member
Hell no.
I have a 6qt pressure cooker that can not hold even 1 qt jar sitting up, I have to position it a weird way.
There is no way I am going to do 14 of each an hour and a half long pressure cooking sessions.


Well-Known Member
Hell no.
I have a 6qt pressure cooker that can not hold even 1 qt jar sitting up, I have to position it a weird way.
There is no way I am going to do 14 of each an hour and a half long pressure cooking sessions.
Ah - so then, can pint jars fit in a 6 quart? (you can fit 5 in an 8 quart) half pints? Even the best growers cannot depend on just one or two attempts. Acceptable loss rates are ten to fifteen percent. But we all lose from every step - agar on up.


Well-Known Member
Oh, you can save yourself some trouble - cook your grain and put it in your jars then wait a day before you sterilize them, then you can reduce your sterilization time to 45 minutes or so. What you are doing is inducing the endospores of bacteria (your biggest enemy in this phase) to grow out of their hard shells. Now they are vulnerable to wet heat and will die in about 12 minutes. Of course you need to ensure that even the innermost grain kernels attain the temperature - so 12 isn't enough for a jar.


Active Member
Yeah I could fit about 4 pint jars in there. And let's say I have a 12 pack of pint jars. 12 pints = 6 qts
But I don't have pint jars, I only have 1 pint jar and then 12 half pint jars. 12 half pints = 6 pints = 3 qts
I need quart jars also to cure marijuana, so I don't think I could go wrong with just picking up some qt jars and doing one PC per.
I might even expand, do like 6 over a course of 3 days then nock them up.


Active Member
Some of the pins are getting bigger :)
Nothing really more than that.
Guess it might be time for another photo shoot?


Active Member
Day 20
Welcome back! I see that the pins are slowly growing up. Slowly but surely. This thing should explode any moment now! It is side-pinning so much, next time I will remember to cover the sides with foil tape.

Can't wait to get this grow finished and my next grow started!

Alright, here is the pictures of the tray, one with flash one without, as always.
Picture (3).jpgPicture (4).jpg

And then, here is 2 pictures of my biggest pin yet! One with flash, one without.
Picture (2).jpgPicture (1).jpg

Questions? | Comments? | Post them here!


Well-Known Member
Your pins shouldn't be pins for more than a couple of days - then they turn into mushrooms - I think your temperature is too low.


Well-Known Member
here found this maybe itll help.... The initiation of mushrooms requires some light and temperatures in the mid to upper 70's F. The mushrooms can grow at higher temperatures, and in fact grow faster at higher temperatures. But the fact remains that the temperature range is fairly narrow to start new mushrooms. Normally, it takes about a week for pin heads to form if the rice cake was removed from the culture jar as soon as it was 100% colonized. It can happen after just a couple days if the mycelium network is well established, or it can take several weeks if things aren't just perfect for the cake.


Well-Known Member
84 degrees is about optimum for growth. You don't need to shock the mushroom down to the 70's but it seems to set the pins better. You can raise the temp once you see the pins form.


Active Member
I'm not doing cakes this time, this is a bulk tray. Probably the same deal though.
The weird thing is though, is that pins already formed, the RH is fine, the temp is fine, it must be the FAE or something, but I fan 5 times a day.
The pins should have already grew up by now.
They are growing, just rather slowly for mushrooms.

I have 2 cakes finished but I need to make a cake chamber since the FC I'm using this time doesn't have high enough RH to fruit cakes.


Active Member
Hey RIU.

So day 23 is now over, and today is the day that I found my first mushroom! Well, it's my biggest pin. Of course, I have pictures to show you guys :)

I am going to be transforming my FC by drilling holes in the sides to create better FAE.
I need to find a place to keep my tray while I drill the holes in my garage, unless I should just keep the tray in there. I am going to sterilize the bit I am using, plus, it has never been used before.
I would just take the tub into my garage, and drill the holes. (I am going to spray lysol through the walkway 30 minutes before I do it.

Here are pictures of the tray.
Picture (4).jpgPicture (1).jpg

And if you can't see the picture of the pin in the tray pictures, I have more just for you! :eyesmoke:
Picture (2).jpgPicture (3).jpg

Questions? | Comments? | Post them here!​


Active Member
Alright I went ahead with the transformation.
It went great, drilled all the holes, then duct taped the original holes shut.
Heavily misted the perlite because it was relatively dry, just wanted to boost that up.
Also re-misted the sides before I put the tray back in to ensure optimal RH.

Here are pictures of what I came up with.
Picture (2).jpgPicture (3).jpgPicture (1).jpg
I really hope this is what I needed to be able to fruit cakes. What do you guys think?


Active Member
Also guys I calibrated my analog hygrometer, it now reads 100%.
I hope I did that right!

I wrapped it up in a damp towel for a half an hour, then reset it at "100% RH".