BlackJack Grow 1st time grower


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Sorry I have been around, my hard drive crashed and I just got running. Every thing looks great.


Well-Known Member
Exciting, isn't it? Harder to wait the closer you get to the end! Yup plain water will do ya just fine.


Active Member
Day 62,Dam I hope the smell from touching them on my fingers translates into how they will smell when cured.
Today I checked trics in 2 places on 2 different plants.This is my first time,so bare with me as I try to explain what I saw under 30x mag.I did see very few orange/yellow trics and stalks.But 95% of them were not.They did for the most part seem cloudy and hazy looking,but i also thought I saw a few clear ones like I did a week ago.Is this possible to see clear,and cloudy,and orange trics all on 1 leaf???Well with the info of I have very few orange trics,how long do you think i have now????I want to harvest on a sunday,so its the 7th or the 14th.I really want the strongest high i can get out of them,so im not in a hurry.I think if you let them go a little longer it pays off,I'm thinking the 14th,what do you guys think.5 or 12 more days for the ripest time.



Well-Known Member
Yep, it's possible to have all three trich colors on the same leaf. You will continue seeing a few clear all the way through, as well. I think the 14th would be better.


Active Member
End of week 9 today day 63.
Woke up out of a sound sleep at 7am,an hour after lights turn on to the smell of weed.It was pretty strong,and concerning.
Buds are still getting bigger on the top colas,i can see the new growth on them everyday.I'm thinking the 14th too Doe,Just hope this odor problem i had this morning is not going to be an issue
Checked the trics on 1 leaf today,and there were more amber ones then the last time,this leaf was about 15% amber 85% cloudy


Well-Known Member
At that rate, you'll probably see around 25%-30% by the end of the week, and 50% by next weekend. Mine usually let off a whiff about an hour after lights on, too - suprised you're just now getting it. Did you feed them yesterday? That's usually when mine are the worst.


Active Member
No i didnt water or feed them the day before,thats only the 2nd time the whole grow,that the room the tent in smelled to me.Remember i do have a carbon filter on my exhaust fan.I think when i lost power for 2 days last week,that the timer for the exhaust fan got a about an hour off sequence with lights on,and that hour of no exhaust fan lets the smell build up.I took care of that tonight both timers are sequenced again.
I had to back the light off,caus on one plant,the fan leaves were stretching straight up further then the top colas and the leafs got burned.Seeing the new growth on the colas is awesome.Pack on the weight bitches,get nice and fat.I watered today the 2nd straight water only feeding.I have 2 more water only feedings scheduled then 3 days of no water before harvest.
Today i made my drying boxes,ran yarn across 3 box tops.I had no idea how many to make since this is my first grow,ill take a pic of my home made dry boxes for ya.I also have 4 glass ball mason jars with new seals for curing,and a 2 litre tightvac container for storage.I'm very interested in giving you guys the dry weight and smoke report.


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week 10 day 2 been flowering for 65 days now.They look awesome!I've never said that before,they tops are swelling and they look yummy.I think i'm going to get my 8 oz goal too,we'll see.Yesterday i was spinning one of the pots and i broke the bottom most branch off one of the plants,so i trimmed it and it's drying,it's probably about 2 joints,ill smoke that during harvest in
8 days!Dam did that little branch take a long time to trim,i really wonder if i can get these 5 plants trimmed and drying in a 16 hour day.That 1 little branch took me about a half hour lol....for 2 joints,lol...anyway,i bet they would be great right now if i chopped them,but they should be even better next sunday.


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Today is week 11 day 1,
I think they are ready,1 of my girls is growing these small 1/4" leaves on the top colas like crazy,kinda sucks caus it wasnt like that till about a week ago,now its full of leaves.I started trimming one of the girls while she is still potted,I have to go to work and when i get home ill be spending my night trimming.I'll take pics tonight
I have 3 of the 5 girls trimmed up,it took me 5 hours to do those 3.



Active Member
I trimmed some more this morning,but my computer has more problems so i have to take it into the shop for a day or 2.
Final harvest pics when i get it back


Active Member
What size growing containers did u use?
I had started with 2 gallon containers,but had to go to 3 gallon.

More harvest pics,cant wait to see what the weight is and start smoking these girls



Active Member
the bud is still drying/curing,i've smoked almost 18grams since thursday,I can't believe i'm finally smoking for free.I've kept a strict eye on the weight as it has dried,it's sad watching oz's of weight fall off the scale in a half day from drying,lol...
already have the next grow going,all 7 seeds germinated,and 4 have already broken the surface of the jiffy cube.
I found i had room for 2 more plants while doing the last grow,so i'm gonna go with 7 this time.My LA Confidential seed some how got cracked open when i went to germinate them,so i figued that was a dead seed now and replaced it with a 2nd kings kush.(my next grow is 2 Bubbelicious,2 Kings Kush,Violator Kush,LSD,Red Dragon)
I'll be back with final pics and the weight.
As far as a smoke report,i have been either using my bong which i have been able to smoke the bud the last 2 days no problems in this fashion,If i want to smoke a joint i have to roll it,then Nuke it for 12 seconds and it burns fine.Taste is good
the High is a slow you down Indica stone,pretty long lasting compared to others,and Black Jack is waaaay better then the Church which was going around here a few weeks ago and i tried it out.