BlackJack Grow 1st time grower


Well-Known Member
I had 5 girls all 26" tall,they gave me about 1 3/4 oz training

I ended up yielding 2.75 oz from 1 bubblelicious and a total of 7.23 oz from my 2 NYPD's..... BLACKJACK IS NEXT!!!

FYI, for those that have not tried nirvana bubblelicious...TRY IT! hands down dopest indica I have ever smoked..... This shit can replace morphine in hospitals...


Well-Known Member
2.75 off the bubbleicious? thats good to hear. =D lol. im about to order sum of those seeds very soon! You (both) should give Nirvana's White Widow a try. I pulled 3.15 ounces off my first WW plant! I only used CFL's too! and only vegged for 3 weeks! I know u guys probly think im bullshittin.. I've had a few ppl tell me theres no way u can yield over 3 ounces from a plant u only vegged for 3 weeks (from seed) and especially cuz I was using CFL's... but I have my journal for proof! lol. =) my 2nd grow is in my signature.. im doin another WW and a Mystery Seed.. i thin kthis WW might actually yield MORE than my last one.. if thats possible.

heres teh link to my old journal. it should be on page 69.. thats where all my harvest pics are. =)

and BlackJack is next on my list after Bubbleicious for sure! Your plants look amazing tho! im soo jealous! lol. cant wait to get me sum of that!


Well-Known Member
Nice grow especially for a first timer. What nutes did you use? I just got some cuts of this strain. I was told it was a 8-9 week strain and its listed as such on seed sites. Looking at your grow it looks like and sounds like they could have been done enough for most people at the end of week 9. I'll be growing in hydro flipping them at about 8-9 inches. Looks like a great strain !

FYI the reason your bud you cut early smelled like hay is because of all the nutes in it. I used t make that mistake as well and it didnt matter what strain I had it always ended up smelling like hay after it sat and dried long enough. Flush is crucial and not easy in soil.


Well-Known Member
I use: Blood meal, bone meal, kelp, alfalfa meal, worm castings, bat guano, fish emulation, vermiculite, lime, and azomite. Currently I add my own yard compost to the mix. It appears to be increased grow in the pots with my compost. I use no other supplements. Your right you could harvest earlier if you wanted. I wait until I get 30-50% amber trices. Harvesting earlier would mean a significant loss of weight. I lost all of my Blackjack last summer in the heat. I just do not have a large dedicated AC and could not cool it. I'm currently raising Barney's Blue Cheese. I miss the Blackjack. I getting ready to put The Void and Jillybean into flower very soon an am looking forward to that. I would recommend Blackjack to any body. It is quality and quantity product with a pleasant taste. It is stable and easy to grow.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you lost the strain. Looks very very promising. So they pakced on a lot more after week 9 or just the quality after that point? Hard to tell. You will really like Blue Cheese. I grew it for years.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you lost the strain. Looks very very promising. So they pakced on a lot more after week 9 or just the quality after that point? Hard to tell. You will really like Blue Cheese. I grew it for years.
I preferred the Blackjack. But I'm looking forward to The Void and Jilly Bean. I hope the meet my expectations.


Well-Known Member
Very nice BJ's you had there, i just entered flower of my second and final round of them myself. What curing method did you use? And did you see much variance in its phenos? I tend to get 2 different phenos, one lanky one tight and bushy. Both seemed to have a hard time finishing flower (right as they got close to done, they would shoot out like 35% new pistils and then just come to a standstill in ripening). Either way, gorgeous girls =D
