Wish we had sea, 8 hours driving from here. Beautyfull places to get stoned.Stoned again, Nice lunchtime walk.
Smoked a joint along the crescent beach down to the rocks, then up to the lighthouse to get higher.
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About 30 minutes ago, I found a small nugget hiding under my laptop Little bugger was probably trying to escape under the cloak of darkness. I just taught it a lesson in 5 good puffs. Not sure which strain it was ... but it gave me a great buzz.... Ok the main chick behind this thread told me we all get 2 songs to post right after you get high ...
I grew up on long Island, so the beach was always 20 minutes away. Moved upstate ny when I was12. The wife and I take 8-10 trips a year up and down the east coast hiking everywhere they will let us. We always end up at the ocean. Even when it's 10° with the wind at 30mph.Wish we had sea, 8 hours driving from here. Beautyfull places to get stoned.
Soup for yoooooouuuuuuu!!!Noooooooo :[
:]Soup for yoooooouuuuuuu!!!
I have been battling a floor drain that has insisted on fooding my basement. I thought it was blockage but it's fn hydraulics! I have no air vent on my kitchen plumbing so the floor drain was trying to act the role. Installed a test plug in said drain and sealed it up tight and all is well. Kitchen sink gurgles a bit but I'm not shopvaccing in the basement every other day. Planning a big remodel soon and that little issue will be on the list. The building inspector will insist, no doubt.Pump replaced and tank drains normally again:
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The tent ladies don't seem to have been hard done by the incident
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I have been battling a floor drain that has insisted on fooding my basement. I thought it was blockage but it's fn hydraulics! I have no air vent on my kitchen plumbing so the floor drain was trying to act the role. Installed a test plug in said drain and sealed it up tight and all is well. Kitchen sink gurgles a bit but I'm not shopvaccing in the basement every other day. Planning a big remodel soon and that little issue will be on the list. The building inspector will insist, no doubt.
I know about aavs. Not sure I have space underneath my sink. I guess I could tee off this right after the p trap but it's pretty short and then I have to go up into the front corner of the cabinet I guess.Glad you found the issue. One of these will stop the gurgling until the remodeling. You can get away with just the T and the vent. I just picked this because it shows the whole assembly. Goes right under the sink, obviously
Air Admittance Valve Trap Assembly Kit with 1-1/2 inch Tuuber Vent 2x Superior Seal https://a.co/d/9WdhuBP
Yeah man, plenty of room. Just picture it's Jabba laughing in your cabinet until you get to it. When your wife asks about it, "say Jabba no bother"I know about aavs. Not sure I have space underneath my sink. I guess I could tee off this right after the p trap but it's pretty short and then I have to go up into the front corner of the cabinet I guess.
Edit: I totally have room for that. I kept reading they need to be installed above the flood level of the sink. View attachment 5360254