Blaze & Daze

What a tough week in work. Made about 18 cross sections of realy complicated area of cretaceous and terciary rocks with very limited information, it was chalenging. I slept about 12 hours in past three days. But it´s done, having drink of brendy now, some herb vaping, cofee and then bed, finely. Tomorow just easy terrain observations and visit of a guy, who I can´t decide he is either genius or mad. He tells he is definitelly mad:).

Hope you are all happy.
"You ain't a real Lion if you love the circus..." Facts.

Love me some Atmosphere. Sluggo wrote this song for me, he just didn't know it. I got to meet him and Ant backstage in Chicago at the Lemons tour in 2008. So long ago. It's still my fav album from them...

My bias and lack of respect for dj's was showing. I always just refer to Atmosphere as a person. I never give Ant the credit he deserves. Partly because when trying to explain to somebody how it's a band with a vocalist and a DJ it's just not worth it LOL. But I should have known that a teacher and a student such as yourself would have already known the makeup of the group. And yeah , 2008 does seem like a fucking lifetime ago. That's the year I bought my house and met my wife. In that order LOL. Really the start of my adulting.
Spring here as well, (kinda) 70F today but 23F on Mon night. Lotsa buds on plants but might have a die off. No forsythia blooms yet, that's usually my go to for pruning garden stuff. Trial by ordeal

After 10 plus years I'm starting to hone in on your location via weather, geography and Flora and Fauna. My forsythia started to bloom 2 weeks ago LOL.
Found out I don't need to get my car up to operating temp to get the smog check done, crossing my fingers the check engine light doesn't come on in the couple of miles to the shop this afternoon. I have a fuel level sensor that is a little wonky that sets the light. I have just been using the odometer to track fuel level. I'll get it replaced sometime.
N wind is still going but highs are creeping up into the 70's. Wind is supposed to die out tonight.
i bought my first pair of readers last month. it's a slippery slope to metamucil and pepcidAC.

I had dual cataract surgery almost 25 years ago now...back before they had the newfangled/tri-vision/blahdeeblahdeeblah lenses they put in now. Both are focused (but slightly different) on distance. I immediately went into readers after being able to read micro-text before the surgery. However...while the close-in vision suffered incredibly...I can count the pine trees on a ridge 5 miles away....or see a street sign and read it before my wife sees the sign...LOL. "we can rebuild him. We can make him better than he was..." Heehee...

Now I just need em to rebuild everything else (knee/back/hip/neck)...but I'm a wimp and I've yet to let em cut on me... Heehee... Nah.