Blaze & Daze

Upper half of your photo is very Ansel Adams-esque

It's a Winter Wonderland out there, for sure. 18"+ so far....and they say we could see 6"-16" more by noon tomorrow. We've shoveled things out 3X now. It's kicking our asses. In 2 days I'll probably need a walker to get out of bed. :roll: Crazy moisture though. Just heavy AF. After an hour or so's now started back up again.

Now the pain is how I know I am still kicking.

Exactly. I just try to frame the pain as best I can. Some days it even works. At least I know what to expect every day. After the stint with the narcs I just embrace it cus there's no running from it. Surgery scares the Hell out of me. The "there's a 50/50 chance we can make you better!" was never good enough odds for me to lay down for 'em and let em cut on me. I'm holdoing off as long s I possibly can because no one I know my age/older has ever fully come back and I'm not ready for the junk heap just yet. :hump: