Well-Known Member
Some people have very aggressive first pass systems and their liver cleans cannabinoids very efficiently which is why some people just don't get high off an edible. Add to the fact there is greater bioavailability via inhaled cannabinoids vs ingested (mode of administration in medications matter), some people don't get high off edibles.
It might be worth trying a larger dose to overwhelm the first pass efficiency but if you got a good liver I'm betting on the liver.
Wow. Thanks for this. Always wondered >why<. Figured it was something like that/a different metabolism/etc/etc/etc. I'm also a dinosaur and don't react the same way others do to some narcotics. They don't make me sleepy...they make me wanna party. Same gig when I go to the hospital and they try to knock me out. If it's just the nurse and her 2 syringes (dunno what it is)...LOL... let's just say I've amazed a few that I was still talking/functioning when they came back 10 minutes later....and I've had procedures done where I was far too present. Uggghh. I've seen vids that this may be due to weed and have had nurses say pretty much the same thing. It always takes the anesthesiologist to put me out fully. Your thoughts?
Back to cannabis:
As I say...I've tried many, many times over the years via my own edible concoctions and offerings from others as well. On my last attempt I de'carb'd and ate a gram of bubble hash baked into 2 cookies. I did get a mild I'd been in a car all day and was "still moving"... but it was something that I almost had to focus on to notice.
@ this point I've given up. No biggie. It would be nice to take away some of the jones to smoke though. (grabs bong)

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