Blaze & Daze

Damn, a bunch of old farts in here. :roll: My brother was the first person I smoked weed with, I guess I was about 13 or so, 72ish? It all went downhill from there, lol. SoCal in the mid 70's was a tokers dream, it was beneficial knowing Dana that moved a pound or two a week to keep everyone supplied. I wonder what ever happened to him. :weed:bongsmilie8-) Took time off for the USAF, they weren't in favor of it for some reason. When growing became legal in Cal I decided why not?

Delta breeze kicked in last night, temps are going to be 10 degrees cooler today, cooler tomorrow than today.
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tuesday. not so much happy around here. spent a couple of days with mom, helping with funeral prep. came home last night and we're here until thursday, when it's time to head back up for the services. i have quite a bit to get done before we leave, and i'll be self-soothing up in the garden planting things, mixing soil, filling between all that i need to shop for something to wear to the funeral. and of course now that i know "The Call" has already come in, i'm back on the :eyesmoke: full-time. my tolerance is pretty low after slowing down in early march, so i guess that's my silver lining? and i do believe there will be a margarita in my future tonight for dinner. as in, that margarita will be my dinner LOL
my brother got me high the first time when i was 15. it was the worst experience of my life. i still think to this day his asshole friend Nate put something extra in that joint because i had the worst greenout ever, thought i was levitating and out-of-body, etc. didn't touch it again til i was 17, then dated a small-time dealer so we were daily smokers. quit when i was 22, then started again last year at 46. enjoying much more this time around, it fits into my life much differently now. before it was a crutch, an escape, a way to fit in, all the reasons you SHOULDN'T. now it's a release, relaxation, a way let my worries rest a bit.
I quit when I went off to college. Something about signing the loan papers made me think it was a good idea to focus and be serious. Other than a couple of concerts where the smell just wafted me over to the weed, I didn't start smoking regularly again until I started having back spasms that yanked my feet out from under me.

After finding a hookup for WAY too much money, I decided that it would be faster and easier to grow my own than to try and find the best price on the streets. Eventually did find good prices, but I'd already had at least three harvests before I found a good deal. By then I was hooked on growing.