Well-Known Member
Are they aggressive? Can you pet them?
Are they aggressive? Can you pet them?
I'm on the 10 year plan so maybe I'll die before I have to endure yet another one. LOL. Both of mine were >memorable<...for different reasons.
The only constant in my fun with stuff like this is that there's always a pompous nurse (Ratchet) in the mix who somehow knows my body better than I do....
I've had to get them since I was 29, when I discovered I have diverticulitis as well as polyps.
You fuckin cheeser.Mornin
Steamed cheeser!
How's everyone doing today?
A lot of folks don't go/wanna know/don't trust any of it/etc.
Man, I despise gender reveal parties and I get great joy in the failure videos of them. Hahahaagender reveal party was this morning. i'm the only one that showed up. go figure. anyway, the middle plant had tiny balls on it as of this morning so now it's chicken food. the roots were niiiiiice though. pretty excited for the other two and i gave them a little dose of food for being such good girls.
me too. i like the ones where the parents are VISIBLY upset about the revealed gender, while they KNOW they're being filmed. like, if i EVER saw a video of my dad pouting about my vagina-bearing status while i was still attached to an umbilical cord...i would have emancipated myself at 15. LOLMan, I despise gender reveal parties and I get great joy in the failure videos of them. Hahahaa
Wait, I thought this was your style?My style is di bom digi bom di deng di deng digi digi
And you move your hips.
Toilet adjacent?Happy Friday y’all!
Colonoscopy day here! Man, could I use a joint and some grub….all done by noon, so I’m already planning the remainder of the day. I can promise you, it involves a lot of fuck-all and hanging in the garden. Stay elevated friends!
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For the life of me I thought ^^ would end with getting a colonoscopyWhen i get my new job and hopefully my income increases drastically, I definitely plan on purchasing some from them.
can we make fridays for puppies?