Well-Known Member
Sounds like we creak, groan and moan walking down a similar path. I have a nice assortment of compressed/herniated discs, bone on bone, and ski/motocross related injuries I've tried to deal with...some of it for 40 years now. No one ever told me they could truly >fix< me so I rode the pill train for 10 years and now just scoff it off and go on. If I go in...I'm gonna be sliced and diced like Ron Popeill would do. I'm not there yet. Thankfully.
Growin' old isn't for sissies...but it's better than the alternative.
"Chronic Pain" was my >in< back in 2003 when I got my first MMJ here in CO. #700 on the registry. It stayed at about 10,000 patients until the "dispensaries" hit in 2009...then it ballooned to 150K. Had 4 patients and a 96 plant count total for a bit there. Patients all got FREE meds. I made things up on the backside with sales to non-Med folks. Ah...the daze...Preventative stuff I don't mess around with and get done annually, I want to be around a long time to annoy my kid with dad jokes.
Now getting the surgery that 'might or might not' alleviate some pain but won't actually fix the problem, will probably have to be redone in 10 years, and will limit my mobility; that one I avoid with a copious amount of weed.
Sounds like we creak, groan and moan walking down a similar path. I have a nice assortment of compressed/herniated discs, bone on bone, and ski/motocross related injuries I've tried to deal with...some of it for 40 years now. No one ever told me they could truly >fix< me so I rode the pill train for 10 years and now just scoff it off and go on. If I go in...I'm gonna be sliced and diced like Ron Popeill would do. I'm not there yet. Thankfully.
Growin' old isn't for sissies...but it's better than the alternative.
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